  • 會議論文


From Two Classics to Two Classics of Peking opera:on the Creation of Shakespeare's Classics in Peking Opera




京劇 莎劇 改編 跨文化 提煉 解構 程式 再創造


This thesis takes two adaptations of Shakespeare's classics in Peking Opera as examples to discuss the charm of Shakespeare's works in intercultural adaptations. It is intended to reveal some of the creative rules, methodologies in theater and Chinese traditional opera. The adaptations of Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor and Hamlet in Peking Opera represent the two different concepts and methods that are currently used in the creation of different themes in this field. The performances show that the audience acknowledge the artistic crystallization of these 「Chinese and Western combinations」 and are deeply touched by the charm of Shakespeare's classics in Peking Opera. The practical results prove that there is a way to adapt Western theatre into Chinese traditional opera. The key lies in finding the appropriate points: the essence of the original work should be meticulously cast into the expression of the Chinese traditional opera itself, while the traditional and modern elements should be united in the recreating of theatrical classics on today's stage. As a result, not only can the world's theatrical classics be accepted by more contemporary audiences in the forms of their national theatre, but they can also use the world's theatrical classics to introduce the artistic charm of Chinese Peking Opera to the world. The high stylization, the singing and dancing characteristics and the freehand performance forms of Peking Opera will dig out the unique creative space of Shakespeare's and those masterpieces timeless bloom.