  • 會議論文


The Sociological Significance of Rituals of "Cian-Wáng-Ge-Jhèn": A Social Drama Theory


「牽亡歌陣」是臺灣的一種傳統民俗喪葬儀式,其法事科儀之目的在於引領亡者魂魄前往西方極樂世界,並透過表演來撫慰在世親屬對於失去親人的哀痛。在該演出形式上屬於傳統戲曲中的「歌舞小戲」陣頭,儀式演藝團隊在其中透過道士作法結合表演者歌唱、唸白、特技動作、舞蹈與後場樂師伴奏來構成完整的演出,除了儀式的宗教意義也展現了具特殊性的傳統表演美學。本文將從英國人類學家維克多.特納(Victor Witter Turner)所提出的「社會戲劇」(social drama)理論出發,透過其視角來對牽亡歌陣的相關儀式流程及其內容進行拆解分析,以此闡述其中社會功能及演出意涵,並從中延伸討論其演出型態可借鏡於當代表演實踐之處。


社會戲劇 牽亡歌陣 儀式 劇場 表演


The "Cian-Wáng-Ge-Jhèn" is a traditional folk funeral ceremony in Taiwan. Its purpose is to guide the souls of the dead to the Western Paradise and to soothe their relatives' grief through performances. Such a performance belongs to the "Small Song and Dance" category in Taiwanese traditional opera. To complete the performance, the ritual performance troupe must include a Taoist priest performing rites, as well as singing, recitations, stunts, and dances by performers, with musicians playing in the background. Religious function aside, the rituals also demonstrate a unique traditional performance aesthetics. This article starts off from British anthropologist Victor Witter Turner's social drama theory which serves to analyze the form and content of Cian-Wáng-Ge-Jhèn soa s to explain its social function and significance. From an anthropological perspective, I attempt to interpret the ritual as a theatre performance, and through related performances and theater theory, I shall further explored the aesthetics manifested within.


Social Drama Cian-Wáng-Ge-Jhèn Rituals Theater Performance
