  • 會議論文


From the Hermeneutics Point of View Observe the "Crossover" Feature of Contemporary Music Performances in Taiwan




跨界 跨領域 表演藝術 詮釋權


The increasing number and frequency of "crossover" performance, in terms of works and practices, have become so conspicuous that a school or a common feature of newly emerging form of music performance can be clearly observed. However, what is the definition of "crossover"? How does the concept of "crossover" take shape? Is crossover a purely artistic choice or a strategy based on some kind of operating thought? Considering these questions in the present music field of Taiwan, this paper aims to observe and anatomize how the concept and cognition of contemporary crossover performances take its shape, and from hermeneutic points of view how the authority of interpretation effects the practical crossover performances upon the referential variables such as timing, spacing, and cultural communities which are in fact dynamic.
