  • 會議論文


Out of Kafka's Room: the Metamorphosis by the Contemporary Legend Theatre




From text to stage performance is a process of representation. Through this representation, the differences in between are exposed, including cultural connotation and artistic conception. In Kafka's Die Verwandlung, the audience was introduced into the protagonist's room and the place he lives. Yet on the stage of Metamorphosis adapted by Contemporary Legend Theatre, the audience was invited to walk out of the room and to take a journey into Gregor's inner world. The aesthetics in the stage performance is both oriental and also western, both virtual and realistic. The spirit of the performance is still one table and two chairs in Chinese opera tradition but through the "formula" of the acting, the audience was brought into the impact of the heart, and this is like the omniscient and omnipotent point of view in the fiction. Literally speaking, the six acts: A Dream, The Awakening, The Door, Love, Inhibition, and Flying are all symbols, each of which can reflection of the viewer himselves. What the audience saw in the stage world was even further than that in the description in the fiction. Through the symbols, the audience walked out of the room and alienated themselves from the world of the protagonist. At the end of the fiction, the family had a happy life ever after. On the stage, the actor was free from his own destiny.
