  • 會議論文


Practice the Zither Performances Combining with Elements of Theater: A Study of Examples from the Zither Triplet Trio's concerts from 2005 to 2008




What is a modem audience hope to 'see'? Is the modern audience in any on earth? Modern's taste is very heavy, need to eat the new thing, the field of performing in performance of Zither, the 'pure music' performs the aesthetic feeling of the form, stand on such a basic point producing the qualitative change, have mark to follow too. The musical group "Zither Triplet Trio" was established in Oct. 2002, aiming at integrating traditional ways of zither performances with modern ones. Now the musical group is actively engaged in holding concerts to promote zither performances and meanwhile seeks to innovate new forms of performing to initiate a new era in zither performances. following first 2005 pure concert, to three concerts in 2008 later on, besides traditional play type, the main shaft of the concert focuses on concept arrangement at the beginning, two concept go, make, design, make music stereoscopic to take and have visual effects with 'theater' with 'music', by renewal and transition of the form, mould out and have the performances of 'stylizations' and 'the theme'. The music style must be suitable to the need of the play, and the performance will only be persuasive when the musicians match their musical performance with equally brilliant movements. The music had to include all essential musical elements, but also theatrical considerations, and visual imaginations, attired in simple yet colorful costumes-employ a combination of physical and theatrical elements. Through participating in the experience that is observed in accordance with individual, look for the Zither Triplet Trio to regard theater as and perform the cultural meaning of the form.
