  • 期刊


Research on the Development Trend of Medical Explanation Obligation in Criminal Law Policy




Physicians must fulfill their explanation obligation before taking medical behaviors for patients, so that patients may fulfill effective promises to this medical behavior. When a physician violates the legal principle of promise after medical explanation, whether to constitute a criminal behavior and bear criminal responsibility, there is a great controversy in the doctrine. There are also differences in the opinion that the behavior of physicians should constitute a crime and bear criminal responsibility, but there are also differences in why it is a crime and how to bear criminal responsibility. This article suggests that when a physician intentionally or negligently violates the of medical explanation obligation, the judgment model of preventing the violation of the law from the medical injury behavior shall be adopted. After the reviewer has judged that the behavior committed by the behavioral people is a medical behavior, the reviewer will examine whether there are any cause of preventing the violation of the law to confirm whether the violation can be prevented. The above model shows that if the medical behavior does not have any cause of preventing the violation of law and cause of preventing the liability, it means that the medical behavior is a criminal behavior. If a physician intentionally violates the medical explanation obligation, if there is no cause of preventing the violation of the l aw and no cause to prevent the liability, he or she is guilty of ordinary injury. Whether or not the medical explanation obligation is a negligent care obligation depends on whether the practice of medical explanation can reduce the risk of the medical behavior and thus avoid the consequences of infringement of physical legal interests. If a physician negligently violates this obligation and infringes on the patient's physical legal interests of patients, the crime of negligent injury will be established if there is no cause of preventing the violation of law and cause of preventing the liability. In other words, the physician did not fulfill the explanation obligation, there may be intentional behavior, there may be negligent behavior, it is not appropriate to generalize , depending on the subjective elements of the behavior of physician is intentional or negligent, in order to determine the crime of physician's failure to fulfill the explanation obligation. The above-mentioned judgment model of the violation of the medical explanation obligation, if combined with the legal policy and judicial practice, not only conforms to the development trend of the medical explanation system, but also effectively protects the right of patients to make their own decisions.
