  • 期刊


A Research of Promoting Health System Effectiveness by Investing Nursing Workforce after the Epidemic




疫情 衛生體系 護理人力 投資 賦能


Under the epidemic, the global nursing industry is on the verge of failure, with a shortage of nursing workforce and low morale. The International Council of Nurses continues to echo World Health Organization's propose of quality rights initiative after the epidemic. To accelerate the recovery of the global healthcare system effectiveness requires the support of abundant nursing workforce. On the eve of International Nurses Day in 2023, the International Council of Nurses puts forward the slogan "Our Nurses Our Future", calling on governments and associations of all countries to promote the mental health recovery plan for nurses from the four aspects of investment, protection, respect and value. Thereby accelerating the reconstruction of the healthcare system. The theme of this article is to encourage front-line nurses and managers to actively formulate relevant plans for investment, protection, respect and value aspects after the epidemic. Then, implementing the global "Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery 2021-2025" promoted by the World Health Organization. To fulfill the goal of improving personal resilience and mental health, preventing emotional exhaustion and stabilizing manpower, the care system that is on the verge of collapse can be restored. Joint empowerment creates a better future for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and Universal Health Coverage.


Epidemic Health Care System Nursing Workforce Invest Empower
