  • 學位論文


Travel Blogs Browsers’ Information Adoption Behavior:A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


隨著網際網路的普及,部落格逐漸成為一個新興的網路平台,部落客們利用部落格發表旅遊遊記,除了記錄自己的生活外,也將旅遊經驗和心得利用部落格為網路平台分享出去,而本研究想要探討的是部落格瀏覽者對於部落格上資訊的感受,以及究竟是有那些因素會影響部落格瀏覽者採用部落格上的資訊以及影響著他們的後續行為。 本研究的研究對象是旅遊部落格的瀏覽者,參考Sussman & Siegal (2003)提出的資訊採用模型,將影響資訊有用性和部落格滿意度的前因分成內容特性(資訊品質、部落格生動性、部落格真實性)、來源可信度和網站特性(部落格互動性、部落格知覺享樂性)三部分,探討與資訊有用性和部落格滿意度之間的關係,再進一步探討部落格瀏覽者資訊採用程度與旅遊意願,另外,以個人的旅遊涉入程度探討是否具有模型的干擾效果存在。本研究以問卷調查進行實證研究,採用結構方程模式作為分析工具,進行衡量模式與因果模式分析,並檢定所探討的各項假設。 經由LISREL模型分析,結果顯示會影響資訊有用性的因素有資訊品質、部落格真實性和來源可信度;會影響部落格使用滿意度的因素有部落格真實性、來源可信度、部落格互動性、知覺享樂性和資訊有用性;不過部落格生動性對資訊有用性和使用滿意度的關係皆不顯著;而資訊有用性和部落格使用滿意度皆對資訊採用有正向的影響關係,最後,資訊採用程度越高,部落格瀏覽者的旅遊意願亦越高。另外,在干擾效果的分析,瀏覽者個別的旅遊涉入程度是不具有顯著的干擾效果存在的。


With the improvement of Internet technology, blogs gradually became a new platform on the internet. Bloggers can use blogs not only to write travel journey but also to share travel experiences to publics online. The goal of this research is to know how blog browsers evaluate the information on blogs and what factors may affect blog browsers adopt the information on blogs and their behaviors. The research object is the travel blog browsers. Consulting the information adoption model of Sussman & Siegal (2003), this research divided the factors may affect information usefulness and blog satisfaction into content characteristic (information quality, blog vividness and blog authenticity), source credibility and website characteristic (blog interactivity and perceived enjoyment). This study further examines the relationship between information usefulness, blog satisfaction, information adoption and travel intention. Besides, the study examines individual travel involvement as a moderating variable to know if moderating effect exsists in the model. This study uses the questionnaire survey and the method of structural equation modeling was employed to confirm the fitness of the research model and the cause-effect relationships among the variables. After the analysis with LISREL method, the results confirm the influence of information quality and blog authenticity on the information usefulness, and blog authenticity, blog interactivity, perceived enjoyment and information usefulness are positively related to blog satisfaction. However, blog vividness has no significant effect on information usefulness and blog satisfaction. Information usefulness and blog satisfaction both are positively related to information adoption and lead to travel intention. In addition, the moderate effect of travel involvement has no significant effect in this research model.


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