  • 學位論文


A Study on the Scientific Research and Development Application Mechanism in Taiwan (R.O.C.)

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


我國政府每年投入大量經費於科學技術發展之研究工作,其研發成果應如何作有效之運用,進而促進產業經濟之發展,回饋研究利益予社會大眾,為今日政府科技政策首要注重之議題。我國於民國88年參酌美國拜杜法(Bayh-Dole Act)而通過科學技術基本法,將政府資助之研究計畫成果下放予計畫執行單位,並在符合法令規範下由執行單位自行運用其研發成果,並透過技術移轉、產學研合作與創新育成等方式,將技術知識擴散於產業界,增進私人企業研發生產商品之能力,進而增加國內就業人口,提升企業在國際市場上之競爭力。然實施科學技術基本法十餘年後,實際上大專院校等計畫執行單位,其技術移轉予產業界之平均績效,仍無法與美國等科技先進國家相比。並且科學技術基本法至今(民國101年)已歷經三次修法,可見其立法上係有眾多不足之處。此外,觀察美國、日本與歐盟關於資助研究計畫之經驗可以發現,不同行政與研究組織架構下之研發體系,將各自發展出具有特色之技轉法制政策、組織與技轉模式。 準此,本文擬以研發成果運用機制為探討主題,首先界定政府科技研發成果之定義與範圍,架構出我國政府管制研發成果之法規範體系,並且討論在我國現行法制政策下可行之技轉組織型態、行為模式、運用原則與其限制。其次蒐集美國、日本與歐盟之科技政策與實務經驗,加以分析並說明之,進而歸納出值得我國參考借鏡之各項特點。最後說明我國研發成果運用機制之現況,並藉由各國法制與實務經驗,提出修正改善我國科技法制政策之相關建議,與實務上如何活用運作組織與行為模式之參考意見,期望規劃設計出有效運用政府參與研發成果之機制,不但能達到科學技術基本法促進成果實際利用之方針目的,亦同時維護國家公共利益,使研究成果之利益終究能回饋予全體國民。


Taiwanese government prepares huge amounts of budget every year for supporting scientific research and development plans, and rises the issue about how to use the research achievements produced by these plans efficiently to make domestic economics grow. In 1999, Fundamental Science and Technology Act took effect and the achievements are belonged to the executing research and development units in accordance to the act. The mission of the executing units are knowledge dissemination, which makes the achievements utilized by the industry through technology transfer mechanism, and enhances the competitiveness of the domestic industry in international market. However, according to the related statistics, the performance of the knowledge dissemination in executing units, such as colleges, are not good enough in comparison to other countries such as United States' universities. It shows that our technology policies, organizations, and dissemination modules need to be reviewed and improved. Thus, the main subject of the thesis is to rebuild an achievement application mechanism to improve the performance of the knowledge dissemination, to utilize these achievements, and commercialize them. The public profits must be protected in the commercialization process because the budgets of the research plans are originated from the taxes contributed by the public. The study will focus on the balance mechanism between personal benefit and public profits through the improvements of the technology policies, the reform of the technology transfer organizations, and the flexible applications of the research achievements. Finally, the thesis will make a conclusion to make suggestions about how to make the knowledge dissemination system more efficient to achieve the aim of the Fundamental Science and Technology Act.


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