  • 學位論文


The Influence of Consumption Value on Intention to Invest in Crowdfunding Projects

指導教授 : 許瑋元


群眾募資的概念興起,嶄新的交易情境應運而生。2009年於美國成立的Kickstarter為目前全球最大的群眾募資平台,截至2016年已媒合近30萬個專案,募資總額超過23億美元。群眾募資有效降低創業初期的募資門檻,使得網路創業風潮再現,為投資人帶來新的契機。 2012年起,台灣陸續出現商業模式類似的回饋型群眾募資平台如:「嘖嘖網」、「flyingV」等。在台灣,使用過網路購物平台的人數已突破1,000萬,然而僅約35萬人曾贊助過募資案件,相較於網購市場的成熟發展,群募市場仍在起步階段,然而發展期間已出現十數個較具規模的募資平台,密度高居全球之冠,顯示市場極具開發潛力。 消費價值和網路沈浸過往被應用於各種網路服務的推廣,本論文選擇募資平台flyingV為研究對象,將平台使用者視為消費者角色的延伸,藉由消費價值評估募資專案價值,並以網路沈浸檢視平台環境,探討使用者的內在動機與平台的外在運作對於資助專案意圖的影響,提供平台經營者策略建議,在競爭激烈的群募市場中立足。 研究結果證實功能價值、社會價值、情感價值、嘗新價值以及情境價值等五項價值對於資助意圖皆有正向影響,而網路沈浸有助於提升專案在使用者心中的價值,若平台能營造適合目標族群的環境,將能有效帶動整體專案成功達標的機率。


The rising of global crowdfunding matket creates new transaction scenarios. Kickstarter opened in 2009 has became the biggest online crowdfunding platform in the world. Althought the crowdfunding industry is still immature and fragmented, its rapidly growing provides start-ups a new way to elimiante a fundamental funding gap that often occurs in the seed phase. Crowdfunding platforms began to emerge in Taiwan from 2012, such as zeczec and flyingV. The industry is competitive in Taiwan since the density of crowdfunding platform is the highest in the world. However, comparing to the flourishing online shopping market, which has exceeded 10 million visitors in Taiwan, the current use of crowdfunding platforms has only about 35 thousand people. The phenomenon revealed that most of the public is still in the wait-and-see stage, and the market has great potential for development. The research used the concept of consumer values to examine the intrinsic motivations of users and the theory of online flow to inspect the influence of the platform design on users. The results of 224 respondents from users of flying, the prominent Asian crowdfunding platform, illustrated various values that drive the intention to invest in a crowdfunding project. Significant values were found within functional value, social value, emotional value, epistode value and conditioned value. Furthermore significant positive effects of online flow on both perceived consumer values and invest intention were found.


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