  • 學位論文

醫療旅遊之商業模式探討 —「台北國際醫旅」案例研究

A Business Model of Taiwan Medical Tourism —A Case Study of Taipei Wellness Clinic and Resort

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


受全球化及人口高齡化趨勢影響,全球觀光產業及國際醫療成長快速,台灣雖起步晚,但醫療水準及健保體系受國際肯定,具發展醫療旅遊的利基條件。本研究以「台北國際醫旅」為例,期透過產業市場分析,並滿足顧客價值主張為前提探討其商業模式,作為產業界、政府等參考,對提升醫療旅遊產業有所助益。 本研究跳脫台灣全民健康保險範圍探討「台北國際醫旅」醫療旅遊商業模式。資料蒐集主要採取次級資料蒐集,輔以與主題相關之資料佐證來探討。實施步驟分為研究設計、研究執行與研究彙整等三階段。運用PEST、SWOT及五力分析探討台灣醫療旅遊產業。台灣醫療價格具競爭力且物價水準合理,對國際旅客極具市場吸引力,尤其兩岸的高端寬裕族群及商務人士是極有潛力目標客層,因此發展醫療旅遊具市場利基,但兩岸關係是影響台灣旅遊市場發展重要因素。「台北國際醫旅」因政府政策支持具公信力,以台北優質生活、結合北投溫泉觀光及高端健康管理服務,型塑”健康假期”主題特色,提供顧客差異化價值。但台灣醫療法對醫療廣告有所規範使其行銷受限,其醫療系統缺乏大型醫療集團的系統支持,總體行銷力道及市場能見度亦不足。「台北國際醫旅」商業模式為透過工商團體及海外通路,行銷台灣及海外華人高端市場,為顧客量身打造健康管理服務,以專業關係創造信任資本,促成顧客終身購買產生常續性收益。研究結論:一、台灣醫療旅遊在全球華人市場具有競爭力。二、受惠兩岸交流及國際旅客增長,台灣發展高端醫療旅遊具利基。三、醫療旅遊產業政策受政治立場左右,未來發展不明朗。四、以「台北國際醫旅」為例,具價值差異的商業模式有發展潛力。研究建議:一、實務意涵:個別業者配合現行台灣國際觀光市場成長的趨勢靈活應變,建議先從業者自身的核心能力做異業結合,在未來因著國際旅客日益增加從中尋求客源。二、政策意涵:持續行銷台灣,攬客國際,營造台灣的國際觀光市場是硬道理,造市過程中須平衡醫療旅遊及全民健康保險兩者之發展。未來延伸性研究可對國際旅客需求及特性深入研究,以加強行銷策略;對旅遊醫療供給需求面作量性研究;或探討醫療旅遊異業結合各項創新模式。


Due to the trend of globalization and aging population, the global tourism industry and markets of medical tourism grow rapidly. To carter for this trend, the Taiwan government has actively promoted medical tourism in the recent years. In comparison with other Asian countries like Thailand, Singapore, India, etc., Taiwan’s medical tourism has a relatively late start. Because of high quality of health care system of Taiwan, there are still niches to develop the industry of international medical tourism in Taiwan. This research focuses on analysis of the industries of international and Taiwan medical tourism, by taking a Taipei City government-planned project, the "Taipei Wellness Clinic and Resort" (TWCR) as an example to analyze the business models of medical tourism. In this study, the author conducted data collection with relevant information and researches of medical tourism and explored the new business model of TWCR. The author used PEST, SWOT and five forces analysis to discuss international and Taiwan medical tourism and found the high-end business peoples of overseas Chinese are the most potential target customers for Taiwan medical tourism. In 2015, the foreign visitors to Taiwan reached 10 million, and 40% of the visitors were from mainland China. It reveals that the cross-strait political relation is the import impact factor for the Taiwan’s tourism industry. Because of high quality and rational cost of medical service, Taiwan medical tourism is highly competitive among international markets. After analyzing the business model of TWCR, and there are several advantages: TWCR is an integration of "hospital and hot spring hotel", and it provides different value in market segmentation. TWCR is a government planned project, which helps to build the customer's trust. The core concept of TWCR is "health vacation", thus it creates a unique theme and niche market to avoid competition among the other health service providers. The TWCR designs the tailored-made service to add the customer value and it also focuses on long-term management of customer relationship to create the lifetime customer value. Conclusions of this study are as follows: First, medical tourism industry of Taiwan is competitive in market of overseas Chinese. Second, tourism industry of Taiwan is getting flourishing and beneficial from rapid growth of international and mainland China visitors. Third, TWCR provides a new business model and has created a potential niche market for medical tourism. In addition, suggestions to government, practitioners, and research aspect are made in this study. The government policy should balance the allocation of resources between medical tourism industry and health insurance system in Taiwan. The practitioners of Taiwan medical tourism should focus on their core competence, and adjust their strategy during the long-term development of industry. On research aspect, there are issues like business model innovation, crossover strategic alliance of medical tourism, etc., which are worth further study.


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