  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 曹壽民


定期航運為海運市場中主要的經營型態,其中又以貨櫃船隊的運送為主。定期貨櫃航線運送講求定港、定線、定期、定時之服務特色。託運人根據所需,查詢定期航商所提供之船期表,擇其適合之船期進行託運;因此對於定期航商而言,制訂適當之船期表,使貨主的需求獲得最大的滿足,提高航商的競爭力,爭取更多的貨源,進而獲取最佳的利潤是個重要的課題。 此外,定期貨櫃航運服務為降低成本及提昇效率,在航線設計上趨於網路化,其不僅提供近洋航線更多地區性點對點的直捷運送,亦加強遠洋航線接駁轉運的服務。 因此本研究旨在提出一個制訂船期表之方法,建構一考慮轉運弁鄐妓豱薯w排模式,在每週每港定時靠泊下,考量(1) 港口船舶交通管制(2) 潮汐之影響 (3) 碼頭時窗 (4) 運河開放時間 (5) 收櫃結關日(6) 貨櫃轉運之安排 (7)成本等特質,其中除考量個別航線之航程限制與時窗偏好外,亦納入轉運港口之時間接續限制﹔在目標式方面,則以時窗偏好之概念,求取系統偏好加總值之最小化。此模式為一混合整數規劃(mixed integer programming)問題;在求解上,本研究建議一兩階段分枝界限法,以加快演算效率。經實例測試,模式求解結果不但能充份反應各港口之時窗偏好,亦能滿足航商在轉運方面的需求。此外,本研究發現轉運航線數過多,就時窗偏好的滿足而言,未必能為航商帶來更多的效益,因此,航商只需選取比較主要之航線,進行轉運船期安排,其他航線則以滿足其個別航線之偏好,將更為有利。亦即各航商於船期安排時,應以考慮各航線的市場為主,轉運為輔。 經航商所提供之航線實例求解,所獲結果可驗證此船期安排之適用性,並且優於目前航商所提供之船期表。此外透過敏感性分析,本研究提出各港之最佳離港時段,並求算出離港延遲所應付出之代價,以及最佳轉運時段,供航商作為參考。


Marine liners provide shipping services for containers and other general cargo, on fixed routes and on published schedules. With openly advertised schedules for shipments from various liners, shippers may then consign their shipments to the liner that offers the most economical and convenient liner services. Thus, an appropriate shipping timetable that fulfills cargo demand on the market will be a key factor for a liner in its profit making as well as maintaining its competitiveness as an ocean carrier. In order to offer better services and spend less cost, there is a trend that marine liners create a bundle of lines that construct a liner service. The containership routing design not only provides short sea routes with more direct shipping services from ports to ports, but also improves transshipment services for ocean routes. Thus, it is necessary for shipping carriers to take advantage of the function of the liner service network. The objectives of this research are to develop a methodology to formulate a shipping timetable for a container liner and to develop a model of transshipment cargo scheduling in which both the containership line and the time continuity between hub ports are taken into account. A mixed integer programming method is used to optimize profits by considering; (1) traffic control; (2) tidal (3) time slots at the ports of calls; (4) operating hours of major canals enroute; (5) office hours of customs at the ports of calls; (6) transshipment cargo; (7) cost saving. By using the concept of the preference for time slots at the ports of calls, the minimum preferred summation comes out. This research uses a 2-stage branch-and-bound algorithm that is proposed for saving the CPU consumed time. By testing in reality, this model proves to be an effective tool for revealing the preference for time slots at the ports of calls, which is able to meet shipping carriers’ transshipment requirements. In addition, this research finds that too many transferring routes won’t bring shipping carriers effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, it is favorable for shipping carriers to select primary containership lines in order to schedule transshipment. The remaining containership lines will be arranged based on their preferences for time slots at the ports of calls. The primary concern for shipping carriers is the market of each containership line; the secondary concern then is transshipment. The method proves to be an effective tool for increasing profits for a selected marine liner when compared with its current schedule. Besides, through sensitivity analysis, this research offers the best departure time, the costs shipping company needs to pay due to the delay of the shipping timetable, and the duration of the best transshipment cargo scheduling.


Appelgren, 1969,“A Column Generation Algorithm for a Ship Scheduling Problem,”Transportation Science, Vol.3, pp.53-68.
