  • 學位論文


Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral buccal mucosa in Taiwan: an analysis of clinical and pathological factors related to prognosis

指導教授 : 郭生興
共同指導教授 : 郭英雄


本回溯性實驗之對象取自西元1994年至2003年間,經臺大醫院牙科部口腔病理科診斷為口腔頰黏膜鱗狀細胞癌之病患,並複查其病例紀錄,排除其他部位癌轉移之可能性,選取其中179例在臺大醫院牙科部口腔顎面外科初次接受頰黏膜癌治療之病例,複查其病歷記錄及病理報告,並記錄其年齡、性別、抽菸、喝酒、檳榔等口腔習慣、腫瘤外觀、腫瘤尺寸、臼齒後區侵犯、臉頰皮膚侵犯、顎骨侵犯、治療前之臨床分期、頸部淋巴轉移數目、淋巴結外擴展、腫瘤組織是否有神經、血管、淋巴管周圍浸潤、治療方式、存活時間、術後追蹤狀況等資料,並針對年齡、性別、口腔習慣、腫瘤外觀、臼齒後區侵犯、臉頰皮膚侵犯、顎骨侵犯、治療前之臨床分期、腫瘤是否完全切除、頸部淋巴轉移數目、淋巴結外擴展、腫瘤組織是否有神經、血管、淋巴管周圍浸潤、治療方式等因子,評估其與存活率之關聯性。 在本研究中,病患年齡介於26至82歲之間,主要的年齡層為51至60歲之間,佔29.6%,其次為41至50歲之間,佔29.0%,平均年齡為51.7歲,男性平均年齡51.2歲(範圍:26-82歲),女性平均年齡65.3歲(範圍:55-79歲)。男性有172位(佔96.1%),女性有7位(佔3.9%),男女比為24.6:1。超過一半之病患(51.4%)同時有抽菸、喝酒及嚼食檳榔三種口腔習慣,34.1%的病患有臼齒後區侵犯,25.7%有顎骨侵犯(上顎骨:1.7%,下顎骨:24%),12.8%有頰側侵犯。有四成以上之病患 (77/179; 43%) 臨床分期為第四期。腫瘤尺寸以T4:63例(35.2﹪)最高,局部淋巴結轉移則以N0:91例(50.8﹪)最多,遠處轉移3例(1.7﹪),原發腫瘤有神經周圍浸潤者有19例(10.6%),有血管周圍浸潤者有20例(11.2%),有淋巴管周圍浸潤者有8例(4.5%),有頸部淋巴轉移者有62例(34.6%),其中9例(14.5%)有淋巴結外擴展,術後有57例(31.8%)有局部復發,19例(10.6%)有頸部復發,發生遠處轉移者有5例(2.8%)。 所有的病患都以手術治療為主,治療後之五年總存活率為75.4%,第一至第四期分別為85.5%、83.1%、74.1%、52.0%。年齡方面,45歲以下之病患五年存活率明顯低於年齡為45歲(含45歲)以上之病患;性別方面,男性之存活率明顯高於女性;腫瘤外觀方面,潰瘍浸潤型(ulceroinfiltrative type)五年存活率最低(63.9%);外突型(exophytic type)五年存活率居中(81.3%);疣狀型(verrucous type)五年存活率最高(93.3%);有臼齒後區侵犯(五年存活率:64.3%)、顎骨侵犯者(五年存活率為58.2%)存活率明顯較差;T分期、N分期、Stage分期,越晚期者存活率越差;原發腫瘤有神經、血管及淋巴管周圍浸潤者,有頸部淋巴轉移、淋巴結外擴展者,五年存活率皆低於50%。利用Cox regression analysis進行多變數分析之後,影響頰黏膜癌存活率之重要預後因子有:性別、臼齒後區侵犯、顎骨侵犯、頸部淋巴轉移、淋巴結外擴展、原發腫瘤神經、血管及淋巴管周圍浸潤等。臨床上對於女性、有臼齒後區侵犯或顎骨侵犯之病患,在治療時應更為謹慎,除優先採取手術治療確保原發腫瘤完全切除外,頸部方面應施行較廣泛的廓清手術,術後若發現有頸部淋巴轉移、淋巴結外擴展、原發腫瘤有神經、血管及淋巴周圍浸潤等情形,為提升病患存活率,可施予放射線治療、化學治療或合併療法以提升局部控制率及病患存活率。


We retrospectively analyzed the records of 179 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of buccal mucosa collected from 1994 to 2003 at Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Department of National Taiwan University Hospital, to identify the characteristics of patients, factors associated with survival, and prognosis of treatment. There was an overwhelming male predominance (male:female = 24.6:1). The mean age of the patients was 51.7(male: 51.2; female: 65.3). Over half patients (51.4%) consumed alcohol, cigarette, and betel nut. On clinical examination, 34.1% patients had retromolar involvement, 25.7% had bone invasion (Mx: 1.7%, Md: 24%), 12.8% patients had cheek skin involvement. Most patients (77/179 patients; 43%) had stage IV cancer. All of the 179 patients received treatment with surgery with/without chemotherapy, and/or radiation therapy. The cancer stage significantly infuenced mortality: the 5-year survival rate in patients treated from 1994 to 2003 was 85.5% in those with stage I, 83.1% in those with stage II, 74.1% in those with stage III, and 52.0% in those with stage IV cancer. Ten variables were found to significantly affect survival: gender, tumor appearance, retromolar involvement, bone invasion, lymph node metastasis, extra-capsular spreading, and perineural, perivascular, perilymphatic involvement (all p < 0.05, Kaplan Meier analysis with log rank test and Cox regression analysis. For patients with factors affecting survival, more aggrasive surgical intervention and neck dissection may be needed. For patient with lymph node involvement, post-operative adjuvant therapy may be needed to improve the survival rate.


Buccal SCC prognostic factors


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