  • 學位論文


Immunomodulatory effect of a legume-based fermented product by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in experimental atopic dermatitis

指導教授 : 賈景山


腸道是人體重要的免疫系統,在腸道的淋巴組織(Gut-associated lymphoid tissue, GALT)約占身體免疫系統的70%。腸道細菌的刺激對於腸道免疫系統的調節是相當重要的,其中像是益生菌,可以改變宿主腸道菌叢而產生有益健康效果,並可以在大腸中利用小腸無法消化吸收的物質(益生物質)為食物,例如:β聚糖,發酵產生有益腸道之物質並抑制壞菌生長。豆科植物Legume特別是指帶有豆莢且有整齊排列種子包裹在內的植物,像是蠶豆、豌豆等。豆類的營養價值高,富含有纖維素、脂質、礦物質及維他命等,其中大豆更含有大量的必需胺基酸,是很好的蛋白質來源。發酵作用可分解大分子物質、增加易消化性、增進生物可利用率,進而提高營養價值;發酵物不僅易於消化吸收,還可消除自由基、抗老化,增強抵抗力。本實驗主要的研究目的:是想去探討酵母菌(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)以及利用酵母菌進行豆類發酵後的產物對實驗性異位性皮膚炎老鼠模式的免疫調節作用。已有許多文獻指出:食用以酵母菌、乳酸菌發酵的食品是具有抗氧化、抗癌以及增加免疫力等功效,此外,韓國的一種傳統的豆類發酵食品Chungkukjang在文獻中提到對於過敏反應是有益的,特別像是氣喘和異位性皮膚炎。首先,利用異位性皮膚炎的老鼠動物模式來進行實驗,結果顯示,不論在誘導期或是作用期的異位性皮膚炎,餵食豆類發酵產物(SCLFP)的老鼠,所分泌的細胞激素會傾向TH1的反應,以及顯著提升抗發炎細胞IL-10的量,在細胞增生指數則是呈現顯著被抑制的結果。為了增強免疫反應的差異,在藥劑的部分添加了金黃色葡萄球菌腸毒素B,在外觀以及組織切片的結果,都可以看到餵食豆類發酵產物在異位性皮膚炎的症狀上都有明顯的改善。最後,去探討建立口服耐受性對異位性皮膚炎的影響,結果顯示,建立口服耐受性是可以成功降低對於外來物質容易產生敏感性的免疫反應,進一步去影響異位性皮膚炎的免疫調節。綜合以上,我們推測餵食豆類發酵產物可以去調節TH1與TH2之間的平衡,此外,對於異位性皮膚炎症狀的改善,推測可能是與誘導調節性T細胞的產生有關。


The gastrointestinal tract is the important immunity system and the functions as a barrier against antigens from microorganisms and food. The generation of immunophysiologic regulation in the gut depends on the establishment of indigenous microflora. Probiotics are defined as live bacterial preparations with clinically documented health effects in humans. Legumes are plants that have pods with tidy rows of seeds inside includes beans, peas, lentils and peanuts. Pulses contain significant amounts of crude fibre, lipids, minerals and vitamins. Soy contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids for humans and so is a good source of protein. The fermentation process helps not only in improving the organoleptic quality of legumes but also enhances nutritional quality. Fermentation is an important area of research, which entails the ability to hydrolyze soy protein into smaller peptides. In addition, previous study demonstrated that a Korean traditional fermented soybean food: Chungkukjang may be beneficial for several allergic conditions such as asthma and atopic dermatitis. In this study, we use an experimental atopic dermatitis animal model to investigate immunomodulation effect of saccharomyces cerevisiae and it’s legume fermented product. Our result showed that in mice under induction or effection phase of atopic dermatitis, the administration of saccharomyces cerevisiae legume fermented product (SCLFP) can induce Th1 specific immune response and increase cytokine IL-10. Furthermore, SCLFP-administration can improve skin lesions. On the other hand, SCLFP may enhance oral tolerance that decreased allergic response. We hypothesized that the effect of SCLFP on atopic dermatitis may be related to the induction of regulatory T cells.


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