  • 學位論文


A Collection of Chinese Opera Plays

指導教授 : 王安祈


本論文分成兩大部份,前半是兩部畢業劇本,後半則是針對畢業劇本所作的創作說明。   兩部劇本分別是:《伍員求劍》和《人面桃花》,皆為新編京劇。《伍員求劍》是講述伍員為了復仇需要寶劍相助,因而向干將莫邪請求鑄劍,沒想到伍員一心只為復仇反而害了干將莫邪因此犧牲。劇中藉由吹簫男子一角讓伍員回憶與干將莫邪的過往,同時對伍員發出質問和反思。《人面桃花》一劇改編自明代雜劇《桃花人面》,劇中以宜春和崔護的愛情為主線,並相對照其他兩組人,借由這三對男女著墨人與人之間的相遇與錯過。   創作說明則包含兩部劇本的創作緣起、劇情分析、人物分析等等。在創作說明中闡述了自己內心的想法,也透過簡單的說明完成、圓滿了整個創作。


新編京劇 伍員 干將莫邪 人面桃花 改編


This thesis consists of two parts—one is newly adapted Jing-Jus: Wu Yuan Desire a Treasured Sword and Peach Blossoms and the Lover's Face; the other is the plot explanation and text analysis.    Wu Yuan Desire a Treasured Sword tells that Wu Yuan is anxious to take revenge; therefore, he needs a treasured sword to achieve his goal. Hence, he persuades Gan Jiang and Mo Ye to forge a treasured sword. On the process of the revenge, Gan Jiang and Mo Ye die innocently. Moreover, a character called ‘Piping Man’ reminds Wu Yuan of the unnecessary sacrifice; meanwhile, Piping Man questions him why he must do and makes him introspect what he has done.The second play, Peach Blossoms and the Lover's Face, is adapted from a zaju of the same title in Ming Dynasty. Love between the leading roles (Yi Chuen and Chuei Hu) is the main plot, and then comparing and contrasting the different situations of love with the other two couples. By this, the core of the play might reveal—meet and miss among people.    After that, the plot explanation and text analysis express my thoughts on the plays, including the creative originality and analysis of the plot and characters.Finally, I attempt to review the whole writing process; through which the work is fulfilled.


一、 論著
(清)阮元審定:《重栞宋本十三經注疏附校勘記》(台北: 藝文印書館,1955)

