  • 學位論文


A Novel On-line Business Model of Ancient Art:Exploring the Feasibility through Current Situation of Ancient Jade in Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 游張松


摘要 高古玉器市場在經歷了金融風暴、中國政府限制流通和拍賣,以及市場上層出不窮的詐騙情事,藏家彼此間的交易信任與共識低落,令高古玉器的市場環境相較於大家所熟知的青銅器、瓷器、書畫等更為惡劣。然而,近期的幾次拍賣熱度卻顯示出了該市場似乎有顯著回溫的跡象,令高古玉器重新抓住許多收藏家的目光。 本研究將應用價值創造循環理論,分析市場上林立的傳統古代藝術品收藏公司應當如何利用網路平台的建置,藉以整合並改善當前市場狀況,最終轉型成為提供金融與交易服務之企業,本文將特別以高古玉器在兩岸的市場為例,期望提出一可行的改善方案。 在許多情境裡,人們對於傳統實體商店的依賴仍然較電子商務為強,然而全球交易的電子化趨勢已成定局,該如何有效利用網路時代商務的便利特性,改善目前古代藝術品產業的惡劣交易情況亦是本篇研究主要探討的內容之一。


ABSTRACT After experiencing the Financial Crisis of 2007-08, China government’s restriction of circulation, several transaction bilk on the market, and low consensus and trust among collectors, the environmental condition of ancient jade market is much harsher than bronze, porcelain, painting, and calligraphy. However, the market situation of auction house recently shows there is apparent reversion on the market, which once again attracts many collectors. Value Creation Model is applied in this research to analyze how traditional ancient arts collecting company take advantage of the network platform to integrate and improve the current market situation. Finally, helps the company transformed into a financial and transaction service provider. This research takes the ancient jade in Taiwan and Mainland China for example, hoping to propose an available improving program. In many cases, people tend to rely on traditional physical stores more than E-Commerce, yet the global transaction on the internet is indeed a trend. How to take advantage of the convenient characteristic of E-Commerce and how to improve the harsh condition in ancient arts industry is also the main topic we investigate.


1. Chang-Sung Yu, A Novel VCC and Business Model for Designer Entrepreneurs, Global Business & International Management Conference, August 2012
2. 雅昌市場調查公司---2015年全球藝術市場報告
3. 雅昌市場調查公司---中國藝術品拍賣市場調查報告
4. 古玉秋葵藝術蒐藏---鑑別高古玉八大步驟
5. ESCROW.COM---第三方託管介紹: https://www.escrow.com/#how-it-works
