  • 學位論文

日本電子零件業在台灣經營策略的省思- 以組織運作及市場變化的角度觀察

Business Strategy of Japanese Electronic Component Companies in Taiwan- Perspective of organization and market change

指導教授 : 莊正民


日本電子零件業素以其高度技術及優良品質揚名於世,此等能力造就其長久以來在世界電子產業屹立不搖的競爭優勢。台灣電子產業自「出口導向經濟發展時期」 即高度仰賴日本電子零件業之技術支援,因買賣雙方之地位懸殊,其交易模式之重點在於是否能順利供料,只要貨源無虞,台灣客戶與日本零件供應商之間並無太多協議空間,或有問題亦僅存在於買方之單向困擾。然近年來台灣電子資訊業因蓬勃發展而成為舉世矚目的電子資訊產品製造國,並漸趨於強勢地位。日本電子零件業在台灣分公司面對不斷變化的市場,亦因買賣雙方之地位改變,使其營運過程遭遇許多問題。另外由於台灣製造業不斷移往大陸,使環境更形複雜,在大中華圈 經營架構之下,彼等問題點之影響度日益增高,並加快了解決問題之急迫性。 本論文用以探討日系電子零件大廠在台灣分公司之營運課題,研究方向著重於組織運作及市場變化的相互影響關係。從而衍生出台灣分公司應如何與母公司及大中華圈其他區域分支機構產生綜效(Synergy),並藉以克服日益競爭的經營環境所應探討的課題,以及足以影響日系電子零件廠用以思考台灣分公司在大中華圈營運架構中所應扮演角色的策略評估,其探討方向以顯現於外部環境之產業因素為橫軸,要項如下: 「台灣電子資訊產業在世界舞台的傑出表現」 「在中國急速發展的台灣電子資訊產業」 「台灣電子資訊產業與日本電子零件業的依存關係」 「競爭者在大中華圈的競爭能力」 「電子資訊產業供應價值鏈的典範變遷」 「中國的商業文化」 「日系電子零件業在大中華圈遭遇到的瓶頸」 本研究以日本電子零件大廠在台灣分公司的觀點出發,試圖將企業文化與企業經營成果合併思考。以日本企業內部環境作為縱軸,着眼於下列方向,探討日本企業文化及其經營模式今後面對台灣電子資訊產業的應興應革之道,以及其所能帶給大中華圈經營架構的啟示。 「日本企業文化」 「日本企業組織架構的問題點」 本研究以以八家具代表性之日本電子零件大廠,及其在台灣的分支機構為初級資料之來源。收集各該公司在台灣及大中華圈的營運概況作為個案研究之素材,並探討近來電子零件產業的典範移轉與業者的應變之道,藉此說明日系電子零件廠面對台灣及大中華圈經營架構得以長久生存穩定發展的興革之道。另為了取得相反方向的驗證資訊,本研究訪談廣達等五家台灣大型筆記型電腦廠的採購部最高主管,作為反方向的研究佐證對象。 最後,歸納研究結果,在結論中指出台灣電子資訊產業在大中華圈未 來發展的趨勢以及日本電子零件業在台灣及大中華圈經營策略的省思方向,研究結果如下 : 壹. 大中華圈電子產業供需市場已然成型。 貳. 台灣電子資訊產業移往大陸是必然趨勢。 參. 台灣電子零件業急起直追,日系廠不進則挫。 肆. 大中華圈商業型態必定是台灣經驗的N倍。 伍. 作繭自縛 - 日系企業文化障礙應即排除。 陸. 日系電子零件業應以台灣業者為師。 柒. 現地化管理,刻不容緩。


Japanese electronic components are famous for their high technology and good quality; those strengths have been recognized as competitive advantage in the worldwide. Since its “Export oriented economic development period”, Taiwan electronic industry has highly relied on the support from Japan. Due to the position of seller and buyer is very different,the business model were more focused on material procurement,but no apparent negotiation. However, Taiwan electronic industry have been well developed, its position has been strengthened. Under the changing situation, Japanese companies have faced various difficulties. Besides,since Taiwan companies continuously shift their manufacturing to China,the condition become more complex,so that the importance of those problems had been increased,also speed up the urgency of problem solving. This thesis is to research the operation problem of Taiwan branch,it focuses on the effectiveness between organization and market change. Concern how Taiwan branch can make synergy with its affiliated companies,resolving the crucial issues in the most competitive market, leading Japanese makers to think about reposition of Taiwan branch and review the strategy in Great China . Take below external environment factors as horizontal axis for investigation. “Outstanding performance of Taiwan Electronic Industry in the worldwide” “Rapid growth of Taiwanese Electronic Information manufacturers in China” “The interdependence relationship between Taiwan Electronic Information Industry and Japanese Electronic components makers” “The competitive capability of competitors in great China” “Condition change of the supply chain in the Electronic Information industry” “Brief of business culture in China” “The neck point for Japanese Electronic components makers in Great China”. This thesis stand at the view point of Taiwanese branch,attempting to combine the thinking of enterprises culture and business performance,take below internal factors as vertical axis,investigating for how Japanese company shall concern its business strategy in Taiwan and great China. “The culture of Japanese enterprises” “The problem of Japanese enterprises’ organization structure” . This thesis collect the business facts from eight Japanese electronic components makers and their Taiwan branches as primary data, investigating the environment change in the industries and the solution that may lead Japanese companies to concern the improvement for long term survival. Besides, interview with purchasing directors of top five Taiwanese notebook PC makers as the information for proving entire research from reverse direction. The thesis concludes by business development trend of Taiwanese Electronic information industry in Great China, and the direction of Japanese companies’ review point in Taiwan and great China. The results are as below: (1) The demand and supply market have been clearly foamed in great China . (2) Taiwanese Electronic industry shall clearly move its production to China. (3) Taiwan Electronic components industries are well developed, Japanese makers may become depression unless they can improve. (4) Japanese shall cut the obstruct of its business culture,otherwise the problem will bend itself. (5) The business experience in Taiwan shall be duplicated in great China (6) Japanese Electronics manufacturers shall learn business skill from Taiwan. (7) Localization is highly necessary and urgent.


1、 資策會 www.mic.org.tw
2、 經濟部統計處 www.moea.gov.tw
3、 經濟部投資審議委員會   www.moeaic.gov.tw
4、 IT IS產業資訊服務網 www.itis.org.tw
