  • 學位論文


A Study on Interpretations of “One” in Zhuangzi’s “Qiwulun

指導教授 : 鄭吉雄


「一」,在中國早期思想裡常常是指一個重要的哲學概念,而且「一」在 《莊子•齊物論》再三出現。「一」作為哲學概念,在中國思想脈絡裡的不同意 義甚多,而註釋《莊子》的學者對〈齊物論〉中「一」的用法,也有不同的理 解。本論文首先考察春秋末年到漢代的學者對「一」的詮釋,探索「一」的「詮 釋潛力」,再指出「一」的多義性、不同的延伸意思,以及在不同思想脈絡中不 同用法的具體例子。其次,再仔細分析郭象和成玄英兩位註釋者如何詮釋〈齊物 論〉的「一」:郭象發展了「自然」的概念,而且認為各個「物」在其皆具有 「自然」特質的基礎上,都能作為「一」;成玄英則在中觀思想的基礎上,建構 了一個比較寬容的、能包含矛盾的哲學體系,來包容對於「一」的不同理解或部 分性的真理。最後則針對「一」字進行認知分析,探討「一」從簡單的數字到複 雜的哲學概念的各種延伸意思的認知基礎,具體分析《莊子》如何使用「一」的 多義性來做出修辭和心理上的效果。


齊物論 郭象 成玄英 道家 莊子 譬喻 認知


The term “one” is used as a philosophical concept in early Daoism, and comes up repeatedly in the “Qiwulun” (“Discourse on Making Things Even”or “Evening out Discourses”). The philosophical term “one” is understood in a variety of ways in early Chinese thought, and Zhuangzi’s use of the term is understood differently by later commentaries. The thesis will begin to examine the interpretive potential of the term one as used by thinkers in from the late Spring and Autumn period through the Han dynasty, establishing concrete examples of the polysemy of the term in philosophical discourse. The way in which two interpreters, Guo Xiang and Cheng Xuanying interpret the use of “one” in the “Qiwulun”chapter is examined in detail: Guo Xiang develops the concept of self-suchness and interprets on as the abstract category of that which is self-so; Cheng Xuanying constructs a philosophical system that is able to accommodate a variety of partial truths that may all be called “one.” The final chapter undertakes a cognitive analysis of the symbol one, charting the extension of its meaning from its use as a numeral to its most complicated philosophical conceptions, and anaylzes Zhuangzi’s use of polysemy to create rhetorical and psychological effects.


呂慧鈴:〈王弼《老子注》之「體用」義探析──兼論與崇本舉末、崇本息末之理論關係〉,《有鳳初鳴年刊》第7期, 2011年7月,頁101-114。
