  • 學位論文

創新產品之價值創造與競合策略模型 ─以禾杏生技能量石產品為例

The Value-created and Co-opetition Strategy of Innovative Product:A Case Study of Yunohana’s Energy Stone Product

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


本研究利用禾杏生技推出的北投石能量產品,探討此創新產品之價值創造流程與競合策略的應用廣度,有鑑於該產品在市場性或產業範疇都尚未明確,故將針對其在台發展以及如何利用不同互補者創造價值的策略方式進行深究。 綜觀以往針對競合策略與產業狀態分析的文獻而論,皆以成熟型產業為主要探討標的,反觀探討尚未成熟之產業文獻則相對稀少,故本研究利用五力分析與競合策略之兩大工具:PARTS與價值創造邏輯,結合此二工具在創新產品的市場操作上,提供完整的競合策略模型觀點,藉由描繪禾杏生技在價值網絡上的操作,探討北投石產品在市場及法規上因多有限制,故在互補者的角色上,與一般產品之操作較為不同的策略操作,另因此創新產品之上游技術與原料來源較為專一,如何透過競合方式與上游供應商開創不同的合作局面也為主要之研究方向。 因北投石與台灣地緣關係深厚,在台未來之市場發展性十分可期,故本研究之貢獻,首先為台灣未來極具潛力的國寶級產品,提供初步之市場研究,其二則為探討以競合策略與五力分析的角度,提供創新產品在發展上的可能性。


This study is focused on the value-created process and Co-opetition Strategy of an innovative product invented by Yunohana Company, and the product is made by “Hokutolite”, a kind of special mineral with radioactive energy. This product hasn’t have clear industry area and the market development also unknown, so will focus on why such the product can develop in Taiwan and the strategy to cooperate with different complementors to create higher value. The literature of competing strategies and industrial usually based on mature industry. However, the same type of research about immature industry is relatively scarce. This study uses five forces theory and co-opetition strategy, then combined two main co-opetition tools:PARTS logic and Value-created logic, hoping to provide a new analysis tool for innovative products. Because of the Hokutolite product subject to stringent regulatory compliance, and by depicting the value net of the case company, it proved that the case company using diversified complementors to break through external restrictions, and also the pressure from single supplier. The findings of this study were creating different analysis view of innovative product, based on five forces analysis and co-opetition strategy, and provided innovative product more clear way to expand business areas. Since the “Hokutolite” stone has great geo-connectivity with Taiwan, it can expect that the future development of this product with potential growth energy. Through this study, it can provide preliminary market research about Taiwan “Hokutolite” product and hopes can create more growth opportunities.


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