  • 學位論文

台灣醫療產業之產學合作成功模式 —以台大創新藥物中心為個案

The Successful Model of Collaboration between Academia and Corporation for Medical Industry in Taiwan – Case study: Center for Innovative Therapeutics Discovery, National Taiwan University

指導教授 : 陸洛


目前由學、研界成功由產業界承接的創新藥物很有限,學、研界所投入的人力、經費、資源等應能為台灣的產業界提供非常優質的創新藥物,應能為台灣的產業界提供非常優質的創新藥物標的,然後協助台灣建立可立足於國際與國際競爭的生技新藥產業。台大創新藥物中心應契合於其使命,建立一個邁向永續發展平台,作為新藥探索與商業化間的橋樑,其首要任務,一是建立永續發展平台,就是建立創新藥物中心本身的核心技術、核心能力、核心資源及整合資源。另一是新藥探索與商業化間的橋樑,如何配合產業界建立產業界所需的核心能力和資源,如何篩選可以讓產業界承接的新藥標的,如何替產業界培育及訓練跨領域的人才,將是成功推動產學合作的重要方向。 創新藥物中心應針對台灣現有的優勢及國際競爭力,與國際大藥廠或生技公司的方向,做一評估,選出於台灣有優勢且不是國際大藥廠或生技公司競爭的焦點,當成是創新藥物中心核心技術、核心能力、核心資源建立的起始,而這台灣優勢可從醫療的領域、疾病的罹病率、治療的迫切性及unmet clinical needs去評估,就如華人特有疾病,病毒性肝炎或肝癌等。 創新藥物中心如何於研發組織、策略之訂定,成為台灣醫療產業的催生者且為之堅強後盾,契合產業之需求,創造產學合作的成功模式,成為台灣學術界與產業界的典範。


The collaboration and technical transfer between academic and industry are lack of successful case currently. Supposedly, the human capital, grants and resources invested from academic and RD institute should have the ability to provide a superior innovative new drug candidate for industry to develop in the second stage. This collaboration should help Taiwan’s biotech industry to stand out and meet the challenges in global market. The Center for Innovative Therapeutics Discovery (CITD), NTU has the vision, purpose and goal to establish the platform for long term development to be the bridge of new drug discovery and business development. The major tasks are two. First, CITD should establish the platform of core technology, core ability, core resources, and integration of resources for the discovery of innovative new drug. Second, CITD should be the bridge of academic and industry to establish the core technology and resources based on the needs of industry in Taiwan. How to screen the new drug leading compounds and train the professional skills for industry to use in the second stage should be the most important direction of CITD to push and promotion. Based on the diseases and unmet clinical needs evaluation, CITD could establish the core technology, ability, and resource on the fields with the challenging strength and professional skill in Taiwan, not the fields of big pharmaceutical company’s focus. For example, the live diseases HBV, HCC are the major problem for Chinese to be treated. CITD can create a standardized model for the collaboration of academic and industry to become the successful model meeting the needs of industry on Taiwan based on its unique RD structure, strategies, and core technology.


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