  • 學位論文


The Legalization of TNR of Free-Roaming Animals in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林明鏘


我國《動物保護法》於2017 年零撲殺政策實施後,對於遊蕩動物之數量 問題乃以全面捕捉制度解決,在缺乏相應配套措施之情形下,面臨收容空間不足之困境。本文於重新檢視我國遊蕩動物來源後,主張應以TNR(捕捉、絕育、回置;Trap, Neuter, Return)之方式,從源頭減少遊蕩動物數量,並輔以精確捕捉制、遊蕩動物餵食制度化、疫苗施打、事前資訊通報與事後追蹤等配套措施,作為解決我國遊蕩動物問題之解決模式。 惟我國於現行法下對遊蕩動物實施TNR 將面臨諸多法律困境,因此有修 訂《動物保護法》將TNR法制化之必要。本文參考若干外國遊蕩動物TNR 相關之政策法規,包含世界衛生組織《犬隻族群管理方針》、世界動物衛生組織《陸生動物衛生法典》、聯合國糧食農業組織《動物生產及衛生報告:犬隻族群管理》、歐洲理事會《歐洲寵物保護公約》,以及二個已將TNR 法制化之國家法律:土耳其共和國《第5199 號法:動物保護法》及保加利亞共和國《動物保護法》流浪動物專章,提出一套我國TNR 法制化之《動物保護法》修法建議,希冀藉由TNR 之入法解決我國遊蕩動物之問題。


Taiwan’s “No-Kill Policy” under Animal Protection Act (2015), a law stating that it’s illegal for animal shelters to put down animals, has come into force since 2017. As a result, with limited space in all shelters, some local authorities now decide to stop catching free-roaming animals on the streets. This thesis holds that TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return), a model that keeps down the population of stray animals, along with some other supporting measures, including targeted capture, institutionalization of animal feeding, vaccination, information reporting and returned animal tracking, should be implemented in Taiwan. However, some procedures of TNR may be deemed illegal under the current laws, making it necessary to amend Animal Protection Act for the implementation of TNR. After reviewing treaties and guidelines for free-roaming animal management and TNR approaches presented by international organizations, including Guidelines for Dog Population Management by WHO, Terrestrial Animal Health Code by OIE, Animal Production and Health: Dog Population Management by FAO, European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals by Council of Europe, and national laws that legalize TNR: Animal Protection Law No. 5199 in the Republic of Turkey, and Animal Protection Act in the Republic of Bulgaria, this thesis proposes a draft amendment of Animal Protection Act that legalizes TNR to solve the problems of free-roaming animals in Taiwan.


Jessica Pierce(著),祁毓里、李宜懃(譯)(2016),《學會愛你的寵物伴侶》,臺北:商周。

