  • 學位論文


The Research of Chang He Poetry in the Northern Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 黃奕珍


本文從宋代唱和詩的評價問題出發,透過分析北宋最具特殊性的幾個唱和主題,來探討北宋唱和詩對前代的承衍,及其寫作特色,並在最後回應後代詩話中,對於宋代唱和的批評,進而給予其定位。相較於過去對於宋代唱和的研究,多集中在單家、或是兩人之間的互動,本文以國家事務、日常瑣事以及那些拓展唱和主軸的詩作切入,嘗試勾勒較為宏觀的北宋唱和詩發展面貌。 透過分析上述三類唱和詩作,並將之與前代相似主題的唱和詩對照,本文指出,唱和詩發展至北宋,其創作方式上主要有三項突破。第一在於和詩作者主體意識的彰顯,相較於宋代以前的和詩以順從唱詩想法為要,北宋文人開始廣泛的在和詩中加入自己的意見與經驗。第二是對話空間的拓展,以往的唱和詩對話路徑較為單一,唱詩引出一條對話主線,和詩則跟隨此線索答覆,而北宋和詩則藉由觸類旁通的方式,讓話題可以不斷延伸。第三是開拓論題的切入途徑,和詩原則上不會偏離原詩設定的主軸,但有部分的北宋和詩卻一方面回應原作,一方面則將詩歌轉向另一方向的討論。 關注唱和詩在北宋演變脈絡的同時,本文亦觀察到唱和詩中呈現的,北宋文人的兩種特質。本文認為,唱和詩呈現了文人對於「士人」身分的多元思考,他們試圖透過唱和詩討論、印證士人在國家中的定位。此外,唱和詩也顯示了當時文人反覆論辯同一事物,從不同角度切磋琢磨的耐心。而此耐心,是北宋文人解決生命重要課題的途徑之一,亦是其對萬物擁有高度興趣的展現。這兩種唱和詩所突顯的特質,有助我們更深入了解北宋詩歌的發展。 最後,本文回應詩話中對於宋代唱和詩的批評。詩話主要的批評對象,集中在北宋次韻之作,當時論者認為,次韻會妨礙情思的表現,也可能阻礙和詩回應原作。本文認同韻腳的確有限制詩作的可能,然詩話的評價卻存在三個問題:其一在於,北宋唱和詩並非僅有次韻一種類型。其二在於,北宋的次韻之作,並非多如詩話所言因韻害情。其三則是,限制唱和詩的因素,並不單純僅有是韻腳,更可能在於唱和詩本身的文體特性。北宋唱和詩的發展,正好對唱和詩的文體限制有所調整,例如:更改附和原詩的作詩方式,轉而形成「回應」原詩的對話型態,又如,北宋和詩可以加入自己的看法等等。因此,本文認為北宋唱和詩的做法具有活化文體的作用,使唱和詩不至於侷限於歌功頌德、或重覆原作詩意的框架中。有鑒於此,前人的評價仍有可以商榷的空間。


北宋 唱和詩 次韻 文體發展 唐代唱和


This dissertation focuses on the succession and development of chang-he poetry (唱和詩)in the northern Song dynasty. Comparing with current studies aimed to analyze single person’s chang-he poetry, this dissertation explores chang-he poetry in entirety northern Song, and describes it’s features macroscopically. For this research objective ,I find out the representative of writing themes in the northern Song dynasty, including country affairs, daily life and poetry those different from normal. Through investigating these topic, and contrasting it with the same themes chang-he poetry in Tang dynasty, I attempt to solve following problems. The first is the breakthrough of writing mode. Chang-he poetry in the northern Song dynasty has three dissimilitude to poetry in former dynasty. One is the clear self-consciousness of writer, another is the expansion of communicate space, the other is various way of discussion. The second is traits of northern Song literati. I consider that northern Song literati showed multiple thinking to their own identity in Chang-he poetry. They tried to debate and prove how literati can positioning in the country. Also, in Chang-he poetry, northern Song literati demonstrated their highly interesting in the world, when they discussing the same thing repetitively and patiently. The third is the appraisal of chang-he poetry in the northern Song dynasty. In past Shi-hua(詩話), critics claimed that Chang-he poetry in the northern Song can’t convey emotions to others. Therefore, critics believed that Chang-he poetry losing it’s function, which to been a communication channels between literati. However, critique in Shi-hua is not exactly correct. In fact, the development of Chang-he poetry in the northern Song dynasty just broke down barriers of this literary form. For example, literati could express their own opinion extensively in Chang-he poetry, which is difficultly to write in the previous dynasty. In summary, I take the opinion that characteristics of Chang-he poetry in the northern Song dynasty makes this literary form not just a way to eulogize somebody. Instead, those writer made their poetry able to evolve into new form .



