  • 學位論文

台灣農業型生態化產業網絡之模式建立 --以虎尾糖廠和地方堆肥場為例

Building a Model of Agricultural Eco-Industrial Network in Taiwan - Case Study of Huwei Sugar Factory Aligned with Local Compost Fields

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


國內對於「產業生態學」的討論仍著重於解決工業對環境的污染,將焦點置於「生態工業園區」或「環保科技園區」,尚無探討農牧業廢棄物的產業生態鍊結。政府的農業政策仍著重於農業生產,欠缺整體環境思維之農業環境政策,對於農牧業廢棄物之再生利用尚未建立起系統化的回收網絡。「農業型生態化產業網絡」透過合作共生,再利用農牧業廢棄物,作為再生資源或生質能源使用,加上科技與創新,向傳統農業重新再學習,提供了永續農業的具體實踐;兼顧環境生態與產業發展,將有助於改善環境品質與產生綠色就業機會,增加地方-區域整體的競爭優勢,創造更佳的集體利益。 本研究採個案研究法,針對虎尾糖廠和地方農業合作社�合作農場堆肥場間是否可藉由製糖副產品與農牧業廢棄物再生利用之產業生態鍊結,進一步建立分享及有效率地使用資源的(包括物質、能源、土地、基礎設施、人力等)「農業型生態化產業網絡」進行經驗性研究。以製糖副產品與農牧業廢棄物作為分析單元,操作上,先調查研究地區產業環境特質,再依企業與地方社群兩方面進行資料收集,包括台糖產業內部生態化、虎尾糖廠、虎尾畜殖場、蔗渣堆肥場之次級資料,並訪談地方農業合作社�合作農場堆肥場及農牧業者,進行製糖副產品和農牧業廢棄物之物質與能量流分析及環境效益分析。從經濟效益、環境效益、產業與技術、法令與政策、資訊與網絡等五個面向進行「農業型生態化產業網絡」之支持系統分析,歸納出「農業型生態化產業網絡」模式,並從「地方�區域」的空間層級探討其發展成為以再生資源與生質能源為主的「地方-區域產業生態系」之可能性。 研究調查發現虎尾糖廠是地方堆肥場重要的資材供給者,而地方農業合作社�合作農場堆肥場不僅是地方農牧業廢棄物的收集處理中心,也是製糖副產品與農牧業廢棄物的需求者。從虎尾糖廠與地方堆肥場供給—需求的產業生態鍊結,可建立農業型生態化產業網絡模式。「地方-區域農業型生態化產業網絡」之建構其重要關鍵在於「區域性資訊交換平台」與「由下而上」回收機制管道的建立。依據地方產業環境特質,整合地方產業資源,加上科技與創新,彈性鍊結關聯產業,「地方-區域農業型生態化產業網絡」可進一步發展成為以使用再生資源與生質能源為主的「地方-區域產業生態系」。


The discussion of industrial ecology domestically was still on the solution to the pollution problems that caused by industries, focusing on ‘eco-industrial park’ or ‘science and technology park’, still not discussing the industrial ecology linkage on the agricultural and livestock waste. Moreover, Taiwan’s agricultural policy still emphasized on agricultural production, which lacked of integrated agricultural environmental policy and systematic network of reusing agricultural and livestock waste. Agricultural eco-industrial network is respecting industrial symbiosis by cooperating with each other, reusing the agricultural and livestock waste as the renewable resource or bio-energy, utilizing technology and innovation, relearning from traditional agriculture, putting sustainable agriculture into practice, and simultaneously considering both benefits of natural environment and industrial development, will help to improve the environmental quality, to increase the green employment opportunities, to enhance local-regional site’s competitive advantage, and to create a better collective benefit. Through case study research, this study empirically aims at Huwei sugar factory with local compost fields of local cooperative association/ cooperative farms, to propose an industrial ecology linkage of reusing sugar’s by-products and agricultural/ livestock waste for further building up an ‘agricultural eco-industrial network’ that sharing and utilizing resource efficiently( including material, energy, land, infrastructure, and labor). By using sugar’s by-products and agricultural/ livestock waste as the analytic units, the study first investigates the industrial feature conditions of research area, then collects primer and secondary data from both business and local community, including Taiwan Sugar Corporation(TSC), Huwei sugar factory, Huwei livestock farm, and TSC bagasse compost field; meanwhile, interviewing with local compost fields of cooperative association/ cooperative farms and farmers to discuss on material and energy flows analysis (MFA, EFA) and eco-efficiency analysis (EEA) of sugar’s by-products and agricultural/ livestock waste. The study conducts several kinds of analysis such as cost-benefits, eco-efficiency, industry and technology, laws and policy, information and network in order to examine the proposed supportive systems of ‘agricultural eco-industrial network’ ,and from ‘local-regional’ spatial context to explore its possibility of developing to become a ‘local- regional industrial ecosystem’ which use the renewable resource and bio-energy. This study concludes that Huwei sugar factory is the major resource supplier for local compost fields of agricultural cooperative association/ cooperative farms, which are not only the collecting and disposing center of agricultural/ livestock waste, but also as the demand aspect of sugar’s by-products and agricultural/ livestock waste. The study reveals that the model of ‘agricultural eco-industrial network’ can be established through the supply-demand industrial ecology linkage of Huwei sugar factory and local compost fields. However, the key factors of building up ‘local-regional agricultural eco-industrial network’ are the accessibility of ‘local-regional information exchange’ and the availability of ‘down-up’ recycling mechanism. According to local industrial feature conditions, by integrating local industrial resource, utilizing technology and innovation conditions, and the resiliency of linking related industries, ‘local-regional agricultural eco-industrial network’ can further develop to become a ‘local-regional industrial ecosystem’ which use the renewable resource and bio-energy.


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