  • 學位論文

台灣美髮連鎖體系應用資訊科技提昇經營管理 效益之探討

指導教授 : 吳青松


台灣美髮連鎖體系應用資訊科技提昇經營管理效益之探討 服務業的發展隨著經濟成長的進程,已成為我國重要經濟產業,為達擴大經濟規模,和佔有市場,以連鎖加盟的經營方式佈建更廣泛、更方便的行銷通路,正日漸興盛• 台灣的美髮美容業態被歸屬於三級產業個人服務類,是傳統勞力密集的產業,主要營業項目為提供個人勞務服務;近二、三十年來,台灣的大型美髮連鎖店採快速展店策略以搶占市場,中小型及個人店則努力於差異化的策略區隔市場,逐漸形成社區化的民生消費業種;但是本業態進入容易,消長快速,迄今無人能獨霸一方形成獨占優勢• 美髮業態的服務特性,屬於一對一客製化服務,且顧客停留在店家的時間比一般行業還長;而且市場的需求因髮質的自然特性而「生生不息」,加上美髮事業已經和流行時尚結合,創造出更多且更長遠的恆常需求• 然而,隨著市場逐漸成熟、飽和,為因應日趨激烈的市場競爭,各家美髮美容事業的連鎖體系均不斷努力,除了強化對顧客服務的品質和滿意度之外,也在內部各級人力資源的引進和養成上,不斷加強美髮專業知識和技能;更創新研發以推出更符合顧客需求的商品和服務;或者是引進最先進的技術或設備,來提昇自我的競爭力…等努力,已成為業界是否能夠迎向未來挑戰,和更激烈市場競爭的關鍵課題• 此外,在資訊科技快速發展的現實形勢下,美髮業態還有一新的考驗,那就是如何應用資訊科技以提昇其最高的經營效益;而且,在當今消費者意識高漲,如何建立且維護良好的顧客關係管理,又是本業未來發展另一個重要的考驗•因為,美髮事業的從業人員除了重視本業技藝的提昇之外,對於創新的經營策略和工具的使用並不熟稔,總是以其傳統的方式持續既有的慣性思維和作為,對於運用最新科技和有效途徑來改善績效顯得並不積極• 一般而言,美髮美容連鎖本部是企業發展的重心,到底有什麼工具能協助其在管理上,決策上,策略上發揮更大的競爭優勢效益?還會產出什麼附加價值?…這一連串的問題和探索接決定本業態未來的差異化競爭優勢• 為了探究這些問題,本研究將解析台灣美髮事業(尤其是連鎖體系)的現況和未來發展,採用Porter的五力分析法和SWOT分析法,以及個案研究法等方式,藉以了解本業態運用資訊科技以提昇經營管理效益的範疇和內涵大致有以下三個方向: 一、改善單店和區域或總體營運數據的掌握與分析•包括:營業分析、人事薪資…等。 二、強化顧客維護的關係管理,及顧客消費動態的掌握與分析• 三、提昇人員教育訓練的品質,以E-Learning取代原來費時費力的方式,使人力的養成上可以持續強化。 此外,本研究更發現,資訊科技的導入和善用關係著未來的競爭優勢,同時,知識經濟時代的到來,對於美髮事業的內部人力資源能否具備有效的知識管理至關重要,而這兩者將可應運而生成為新的事業模式• 台灣美髮美容業的市場和業態,面對每年高達數百億的市場業績量,尤其在e世紀講究知識經濟的今日看來,本業仍有很大的創新和成長的空間•本研究案所探討的正是以建構一個適合e世紀本業態的創新經營管理模式,讓本業可以擴大經營領域和層次,成為美麗、希望的「生活美學」提供者,建立本業在嶄新時代經營模式的新標竿,以擁有更穩健的競爭實力,實現永續經營的理想目標•


ABSTRACT In Taiwan, the service industry has become a significant economic sector. It has grown rapidly, namely, expanded its economic scope and market share, through the widening of convenient and efficient franchise and logistic systems. Taiwan’s beauty hair salon industry is part of the tertiary personal-based service sector. As a labor-intensive industry, it mainly focuses on the provision of personal service. Within the past twenty to thirty years, Taiwan’s large-scaled chained salons have acquired huge market shares by rapid expansion of chain stores, while the small to medium-sized salons and individual-owned studios have focused on differentiation, which in turn induced a growth of community-oriented salons that focused on providing services to their neighborhoods. Although the barrier of entry to this industry is rather low, its competitive nature has prevented any company from holding a majority of the market share. The beauty salon industry is essentially a one-to-one provision of service. Their customers tend to spend much more time in consuming the service than in other service industries. Moreover, more diversified and long-termed demand has been maintained in response to the nature of human hair (which grows continuously throughout an individual’s life) as well as the intertwining of the hair salon business and fashion industry. However, as the market has grown and become mature, every member of the hair salon industry, especially the larger chained salon companies, has invested a great deal in maintaining their competitiveness. Besides increasing the quality of their service, which then increases customers’level of satisfaction, they also invested in human capital through professional training. In terms of research and development, they have generated more products and services and adopted new technology to boost up their competitive edge. The beauty salon industry also faces additional challenges: Within the rapid development of knowledge-based technology, how can salons utilize those technological tools to maximize their managerial efficiency? Moreover, how to best manage customer relations given the increasing consumer demand for better products and services? Those challenges are important for the future development of the industry: As of now, the hair salon professionals tend to focus more on the enhancement of their skills rather than the new managerial strategies and tools. Being constrained in the traditional modes of thinking and patterns, they have shown reluctance in adopting the new technology as well as more efficient means to increase their performance. Since the central office consists of the heart of the development of hair salon companies, how to search for tools that could assist the central office to maximize its competitiveness in terms of management, decision-making and strategic choices? Is there any additional benefits flowing out of those tools? Those series of questions determine this industry’s future diversification on competitive advantage. In order to answer those questions, this report will analyze the present and future development of Taiwan’s beauty salon industry, with particular attention giving to the chain salons. The analysis will be based on the results given by Porter’s five-force analysis, SWOT analysis and case study method. Basically, this report will look at how the hair salon industry has used knowledge-based technology to boost its managerial performance by discussing the following three components: 1. Improving the collection and analysis of branch, regional and overall levels of operational data, including operational analysis, wage/salary, etc. 2. Strengthening the management of customer relations as well as the collection and analysis of customers’ consumption patterns. 3. Increasing the quality of human resource training by replacing traditional technique for E-learning, which could result in ongoing improvement of human resource training. This report finds that the adoption of information technology determines the competitive advantage of the hair salon industry. At the same time, the growing importance of information technology implies the parallel growing significance of information management within the hair salon companies. Those two factors could then give rise to a new business model. With the fact that the Taiwanese hair salon industry generates more than ten billions dollars (NTD) annually, as well as the increasing prevalence of information technology, there seems to be more room for growth and development. This study report therefore proposes a potential new “e age”- based business model, which will enable the participants within this industry to expand its domain and level. By establishing a novel standard, the new model could then assist the Taiwanese hair salon industry in becoming a better provider of beauty and hope while attaining the goal of business continuance.




