  • 學位論文


A Study on the Business Opportunities of Privatizing the Labor Pension System in Taiwan:The Case of the Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 邱顯比


由於台灣老年人口比例的逐年提升,隨著勞退新制的實施,更使得民眾日益重視老年退休生活的規劃。快速累積之勞退基金,攸關全體勞工能否安享退休生活,其資金運用效益對勞工權益及國內經濟成長影響著實深遠。 勞退新制雖然提供勞工個人專屬帳戶,享有確定退休保障的權益,但仍有不足之處。相形之下,國外「確定提撥制」的退休金制度經驗值得台灣參考,其中以美國401(k)計畫最具代表性;另外,香港在2000年經濟低迷之際,開始實施強積金制度,其推動之經驗也非常值得台灣借鏡。根據勞委會表示,未來勞退新制將考慮適時逐步開放民營模式以強化投資績效。故本研究透過介紹美國及香港的退休制度,以及當地壽險業在退休市場中提供之相關產品及服務,建議未來勞退新制民營化之政策,提供勞工更多的選擇權益,更完整的退休保障機制。並探究台灣壽險業在退休金市場中應扮演的角色,以及經營策略及商品發展方向,作為壽險業者退休金業務發展之參考。 故本研究綜合國外經驗及本國業者之現況,對壽險業提出下列發展未來退休金市場之建議: 一、 強化現有商品並提供有價值且創新的商品 二、 提供簡便及多樣化的投資平台 三、 運用現有個人及團體保險客戶基礎及關係,建立業務推動之優勢 四、 建構團隊式的行政管理及客戶服務、簡化客戶端的作業、e化的服務平台、創新的服務策略等,提供最佳及差異化的服務品質。 五、 提供民眾對退休規劃持續的教育與宣導。


The higher percentage of the aged population in Taiwan, along with the implementation of new labor pension law, has made people more aware of the importance of old-age retirement planning. The return and asset allocation of the fast-accumulated labor pension fund will have a great influence on the retirement life quality of millions of laborers; it also has profound impacts on all laborers’ benefits and the national economic growth. Through the implementation of the portable new pension scheme, laborers' life after retirement will be much more safeguarded. However, we found that there is still much room for improvement. The defined contribution pension system such as the 401k scheme in USA is a suitable model for our reference. Besides, the successful experience of Hong Kong’s mandatory provident fund scheme launched during the great depression in 2000 is another good paradigm. According to the Council of Labor Affairs, the labor pension system will be privatized in the future. Through the understanding of the pension system and related products and service in USA and Hong Kong, this study suggests that future privatization provide more investment options so as to establish a complete retirement protection scheme. Meanwhile, this study also explores the life insurers’ role in the future pension system, the business development strategies, and the product trends, offering the ideas of pension business development for insurers. Taiwan’s life insurers have great experiences in handling life risk and long term asset-liability management; therefore, they are expected to have significant advantages in the pension market, and share much more social security responsibility by entering the pension market. Combining foreign development experiences and local insurers’ current status, this study summarized the following suggestions for life insurers: 1. Enhance current product features to provide more innovative products. 2. Set up a convenient and flexible investment platform for clients. 3. Leverage life agents’ customer bases and group insurance business relationships to extend pension market. 4. Establish an integrated service process, an e-service channel and simplify service procedure to provide differential services. 5. Provide retirement planning education to the public continuously.


Labor Pension Act 401(k) MPF Annuity


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