  • 學位論文


The Transition Process and Tools of Moving Towards a Circular Business Model

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


循環商業模式(Circular Business Models)相關的研究在近五年獲得各界大量的關注,但其概念、轉型機制、關鍵成功因素、發展及評估方法等相關研究尚在探索發展階段,且各研究切入角度不盡相同。此外,因應循環商業模式的概念迅速發展,有了標準化的需求,英國標準協會提出的「BS 8001企業組織實行循環經濟原則的框架指南」,為全球第一個循環經濟的標準指南,建立相對完整的轉型框架,嘗試整合專案管理的思維步驟來整合循環經濟概念以及分析工具;因此,該指南為本研究重要的參考文獻之一,並深入檢視該指南的框架及其整合細節。 本研究發現循環轉型流程中,在不同的轉型階段,有其不同的階段任務及目標、適用不同的發展或評估工具,但目前尚未有研究清楚描繪及整合。因此,本研究將梳理從線性經濟轉型到循環經濟一連串的過程中,循環商業模式、轉型流程、與分析工具三者之間的關係。本研究透過文獻分析法及比較分析法,比較國際組織提出的循環商業模式、轉型指南、以及文獻中探討循環商業模式較常使用的分析工具;進而釐清循環商業模式在轉型中的定位及功能,說明不同分析工具的目的及使用階段,並指出不同分析工具在不同階段的應用挑戰及研究缺口,最後對BS 8001提出修正建議。


Circular Business Models (CBM) are receiving increasing attention from the indsutry as well as the academia in these five years when the concept of Circular Economy (CE) is growing globally. The concept and the role of CBM is just shaping, and thus the definition, mechanism, critical successful factors, and the development and evaluation methods and tools have brought a lot of opportunities for exploration. With the booming of CBM, transition guidelines become important for the private sector; as a result, in 2017 British Standard Institute(BSI) has just issued BS 8001 Framework for implementing the principles of the circular economy in organizations – Guide, the world’s first practical framework and guidance of Circular Economy. BS 8001 provides a rather comprehensive framework, integrating project management process, tools and the concept of Circular Economy. Therefore, BS 8001 is widely discussed in this research However, it is not clear how CBM and those tools work together in this transition process. The current roles and functionality of CBMs and the tools are not identified, and neither matched in different stages of the transition process. Hence, this study aims at clarifying the relationship among CBMs and development and evaluation tools in different stages of the CE transition process. The study is to analyze documents and conduct comparative analyses in three sub-topics (1) CBM reports from five international think-tank organizations (2) transition guidelines issued by three researchepublications (3) five tools which are often applied to CBM researches. The result is to map the roles and functions of CBM and tools for different stages and identify the challenges and research gaps in different stages, and finally recommendations to modify BS 8001.


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