  • 學位論文


Synthesis of Chiral Cationic Boron Derivatives

指導教授 : 邱靜雯




Tricoordinate boron compounds possess a trigonal planer geometry with a vacant p orbital allowing it to behave as a Lewis acid. In the case of boron cations, the Lewis acidity of boron center will be further increased by introducing a positive charge to the molecule. Thus, boron cation has drawn an increase interest in stoichiometric and catalytic transformations. Over the years, the importance of chirality of a molecule on its medicinal applications had been extensively investigated. The application of boron catalysts in asymmetric synthesis has also been explored. In this research, chiral three-coordinate neutral and cationic boron compounds bearing an oxazoline-derived ligand were prepared. These compounds have been fully characterized by 1H, 11B, 13C, and 2D (HMBC, HSQC, COSY) NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography. The Lewis acidity of the boron compounds was also determined by Gutmann-Beckett method. The application of the synthesized chiral boron compounds in asymmetric synthesis will also be discussed.


boron cation oxazoline enantioselectivity


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