  • 學位論文


The research on Dongpo’s XuZhou Ci

指導教授 : 劉少雄




東坡 蘇軾 徐州 分期研究


This study discussed Su Dongpo’s Xuzhou Ci in terms of its content, topics, writing techniques, and sentiments. The life experience and literary works of Su during his stay in Xuzhou served as references for the analysis of Xuzhou Ci. Specifically, Xuzhou Ci was compared with Su’s other ci (lyric poetry in the tradition of Classical Chinese poetry) from before and after his stay in Xuzhou. The comparison allows for further understanding of the characteristics of Xuzhou Ci and how it contributed to the development of Su’s ci style. The first chapter “Introduction” explained the research motivation and framework as well as defined Xuzhou Ci. The second chapter “Before Xuzhou” analyzed Su’s ci written during his stay in Hangzhou and Mizhou from 3 aspects: feelings of parting, awareness of the passing of time, and longing for his hometown. The second chapter served as the basis for discussion in the follow-up chapter. The third chapter “Analysis of Xuzhou Ci” first summarized the history and geography of Xuzhou and the life experience of Su during his stay there. Further discussion was made from three perspectives—evolution of the feelings of parting, invention of rural ci, and increased awareness of the passing of time—to analyze the sentimental connotation of Xuzhou Ci; the creative techniques expressed in Xuzhou Ci; and the ccontinuity and transformation of ci written during Su’s stay in Hangzhou and Mizhou. The fourth chapter “After Xuzhou” analyzed Huangzhou Ci and Linghai Ci—two other works by Su—from 3 aspects: the diversity of the feelings of parting, finding a sense of belonging through farming, and epiphany regarding the passing of time; in addition, the aftermath and influence of Xuzhou Ci were addressed. The fifth chapter “Conclusion” noted that Xuzhou Ci—covering the topics of feelings of parting, rural farming, and thoughts about time—simultaneously expresses the positivity of being socially engaged and the sense of emptiness perceived from the passing of time, presenting a contradictory state of mind. Xuzhou Ci follows the past (i.e., existing writing style from Su’s stay in Hangzhou and Mizhou) and heralds the future (i.e., new writing style for Su’s stay in Huangzhou and Linghai), playing a crucial part in the development of Su’s ci style.


Dongpo Su Shi Ci Xuzhou A study on Dongpo of different stages



