  • 學位論文


The restructuring and locality of electronic manufacturing industry in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 王鴻楷


本研究主要在討論自民國76年來,在全球競爭中台灣電子製造業廠商逐漸扮演重要角色的崛起過程。台灣近二十年經濟結構的轉型可以解讀為:服務業比重增加,製造業內部重新再結構;雖然相對於服務業的表現,製造業呈現成長趨緩的現象,但若詳細分析其內部結構轉變,可發現製造業內部的成長並非均質,而有往電子製造業移動的趨勢。也就是說,相較於其他製造業,電子製造業的成長率高而且比重大,尤其是產值方面更為明顯。我們進一步分析電子製造業的結構變遷,結果顯示其呈現向上游、技術、資本更密集產業轉型。 統計資料印證我們一般對於資訊電子產業在全球經濟市場中崛起的印象,此外,藉由其發展歷程的分析,亦可以看到其表現在我國高科技產業發展中的重要性,台灣電子製造業廠商在由OEM到ODM的提升過程中,以其逐漸成熟的技術能力及運籌管理規劃,也帶動週邊商品製造,儼然成為引領帶動其他產業發展的主導角色。 進一步分析東南亞地區其他主要資訊電子產業國家(日本、韓國、中國大陸等)的發展概況,比較彼此間的發展優勢與產品競爭力,並配合對外投資統計資料的說明,藉此審視台灣電子製造業在全球投資佈局中的相對位置。結論說明對廠商來說廣大市場的發展極具魅力,但也造成了台灣面對大陸磁吸效應下產業加速外移的隱憂。 焦點再度回到電子製造業的再結構,對台灣區域結構轉型的影響,數據資料呈現電子製造業除了在產業鏈中有往中、上游位移的現象,在空間上也有趣地呈現了整體往北部區域集中,而由台北市中心向外擴散的現象。台灣電子製造業因納入全球競爭市場中,而使得企業的後勤管理更需要特殊而專業的配套服務,背後必然有其政治、經濟脈絡,促使台北都會區的擴大與產業群聚。 回到本研究初衷,台灣電子製造業廠商的發展,說明了產業結構轉型所反映的空間關係變遷,以及廠商從技術能力提升到企業全球佈局,其中再結構的現象以及其對區域發展的意義。


OEM 再結構 電子製造業 ODM 後進者


The thesis aims to discuss the changing role of Taiwanese electronic manufacturing industry in global competition since 1987. The transformation of Taiwan economy can be summarized as an overall growth of the service industry sector, and an internal restructuring of manufacture industry. The growth within manufacturing industries is not even. Comparing to other manufacturing industries, the electronic manufacturing industry has a higher growth rate, and accounts a higher percentage in terms of production value. If we look closely, the electronic manufacturing industry is restructuring to become more technology and capital -intensive. The statistics coheres with the above statement. Furthermore, through a historical analysis, we observe that when the electronic manufactures upgraded from OEM to ODM, their technology and management abilities have also grown to be more mature. They act as leading engines which push other related industries to advance. In order to understand the role of Taiwanese electronic manufacture industry in a global picture, we did a cross-country comparison and analyzed the foreign investment statistics of three major IT countries in southeast Asia (Japan, Korea, China). The result shows that market scale is an important factor in attracting manufactures. Thus there is a potential danger that the Taiwanese manufactures might quicken to move out under the magnetic influence of China. As for the question of how the restructuring of electronic manufacture industry might influence the spatial restructuring of Taiwan, statistics show that overall speaking the electronic manufacture industries are gradually concentrating in the northern part of Taiwan, from central Taipei City and then sprawl outward. When positioning in a globally competitive market network, the Taiwan electronic manufacture industry require more specialized and professional services for their logistic management. The economic and political context has pushed Taipei metropolitan area’s to grow, and the industries to conglomerate. Thus by understanding the electronic manufactures’ technology upgrading process with a global economy, the thesis explains how the restructuring of manufacture industry in Taiwan impact on spatial changes, and its meaning in terms of regional development.


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