  • 學位論文

志工地景彩繪之社造要素辨識與生活風格品牌化: 以靜浦部落為例

Identifying the essences of community development and lifestyle branding through landscape painting of volunteer: A case study of Jingpu tribe

指導教授 : 彭 立沛




Community development movment has been implemented in Taiwan for 30 years. The understanding of exactly what makes for a good community development project has been the quest of many practitioners in this field. In recent years, landscape painting and community painting have appeared frequently in communities, but how did it arise, what difficulties did it have, and what did it achieve? These questions have thus far been answered in literature. Utilizing a novel community development model, this study claims that community development focused on landscape painting can result in many sustainable development benefits. This study applies qualitative research of participating observation methods, together with the document collection, to discover the essences and procedures of landscape painting projects of community development. This study attempts to fill this gap by looking into the case of Jingpu tribal community development and to extract the essential procedures and elements of landscape painting in community development. Through the neo-endogenous theory as a possible new approach, this study also aims to studying this community development model of the Jingpu tribe so as to discover how indigenous tribes that have experienced significant population outflow and underfunding can be brought back to life by combining their own unique identity and cultural traditions into tourist and experience economy possibilities. This study finds that in specific characteristics of the community, a business model based on the collaboration of outsiders, support from professional specialists, the long-term investment and participation of volunteers, the good co-management and communication between the public and private sectors, the importance of prior cultural, and geographical surveys as well as patient consultation are the key essences of good landscape painting of volunteers in community development projects. In addition, the results figure out that the community development projects based on indigenous communities must take various strategies responded to the different community contexts and its power relations, and highlight the connection of community development, experience economy promotion, lifestyle branding, and the likelihood of young people returning to the community. This study expects to present this case study and inspiring some insights to practitioners or researchers of community development, community landscape painting, indigenous tribal construction and public-private partnership. Therefore, possible is to explore the local knowledge driven by landscape painting of volunteers towards the goal of sustainable tribe development.


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