  • 學位論文


Comparison of Immunohistochemistry, Polymerase Chain Reaction, and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Diagnosis of Swine Central Nervous System Diseases from Archival Paraffin Sections

指導教授 : 劉振軒


根據本實驗室歷年來的病理解剖診斷報告,顯示神經系統的病例約佔總病例數的20 %的高比率,且往往與豬隻的高死亡率有關,但因為其幾乎無肉眼可視病變,大多數仍需依靠組織病理學及實驗室檢查以確定其病因。感染中樞神經系統之病原以造成腦炎或腦膜腦炎為主,所呈現的病理變化常為非特異性病變,對病原不易確診。非生物素山葵過氧化酵素 (non-biotin horseradish peroxidase, non-biotin HRP) 免疫組織化學染色是從傳統的免疫化學染色法為基礎發展而來,原理為將染色過程中的卵白素以特殊之化學物質取代,可避免與組織或血液凝集素 (lectin) 形成非特異性的鍵結而造成偽陽性,很適合發展用於病理診斷技術。迴路媒介恆溫增幅法 (loop-mediated isothermal amplification, LAMP), 可將核酸在恆溫下更有效、準確且快速的增幅出來,近年來已成為新興的一種取代聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (polymerase chain reaction, PCR) 的檢測方法。本次實驗共收集84例中樞神經系統疾病感染之豬組織蠟塊,包括豬瘟23例、豬假性狂犬病14例、豬沙門氏菌症5例、豬弓漿蟲症5例、豬第二型鏈球菌感染症24例與未確診疾病13例,其中又將蠟塊年份區分為20年前與近10年兩種,分別利用免疫組織化學染色、聚合酶鏈鎖反應與迴路媒介恆溫增幅法三種方法檢測病原。結果成功建立上述五種豬隻中樞神經系統感染疾病之non-biotin HRP免疫組織化學染色法,且相對於一般傳統染色法,見更強訊號、更容易偵測病原位置的特點,且部分病毒、細菌與原蟲之抗原,均可保存長達20年之久而不被破壞。另外亦成功的自懷疑或確診為感染豬假性狂犬病之27例蠟塊中萃取出組織核酸,並利用PCR方法成功偵測到4例陽性病例,利用LAMP方法成功偵測到8例陽性病例,實驗結果亦成功建立LAMP應用於PRV之診斷技術,也發現較傳統PCR檢測方法來得更敏感且更省時,非常適合應用於快速疾病診斷。


Based on the previous studies, histological examination has a limitation to make a definite diagnosis of pathogens of central nervous diseases (CNS). To develop convenient diagnostic tools with high potential for rapid and specific diagnosis for this purpose, non-biotin horseradish peroxidase (non-biotin HRP) immunohistochemistry, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), which amplifies DNA with high specificity, efficiency and rapidity under isothermal conditions, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are employed in this study. A total of 84 pig cases with miscellaneous CNS diseases were obtained from archival paraffin sections which have been stored up to 20 years. In non-suppurative meningoencephalitis, including 23 pigs with hog cholera, 14 pigs with pseudorabies, 5 pigs with Salmonella sp. infection, 5 pigs with Toxoplasma gondii infection, 13 pigs with unidentified diseases. In suppurative meningoencephalitis, including 24 pigs with Streptococcus suis type 2 meningitis. All cases with any of 5 pathogenic infections were successfully diagnosed by non-biotin HRP immunohistochemistry. DNA from 26 suspected pseudorabies specimens were successful extracted. Among them, 4 samples were amplified and the target nucleic acid was detected by PCR, and 8 samples were amplified and the target nucleic acid was detected by LAMP. The preliminary results demonstrate that non-biotin HRP immunohistochemistry, LAMP, and PCR possess varying potential to detect pathogens of swine CNS diseases for infectious and retrospective studies.


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