  • 學位論文


Development of Third Party Payment Industry and E-Commerce Payment System

指導教授 : 李賢源
共同指導教授 : 林修葳(Hsiou-Wei Lin)


二十世紀末(1990年代)是美國網路服務爆發性成長的起點,各類電子商務平台、線上拍賣網站、乃至大型網路商城,從美國開始席捲全球各地,帶動網路購物的風潮,大舉威脅實體店面的營收成長。然而,美國民眾習慣使用信用支付,線上信用卡刷卡機制往往要求消費者提供隱密個資作為身分查核之用,間接讓不少電子商務經營者取得買家隱密個資。加以早期網路安全監控系統尚未健全發展,網路駭客事件頻傳,常有盜取販賣買家隱密個資,盜刷買家信用卡之情事,網路購物詐騙案件時有所聞,大大影響網路購物的未來發展。1999年美國PayPal率先開啟第三方支付服務產業的濫觴,旨在為美國網路消費者設立一道安全屏障,透過PayPal信用卡代收代付服務,防範賣家任意取得買家隱密個資,進而從事非法行為的機會。不僅止於此,PayPal更以第三方業者之姿,提供買家[擔保交易服務],直接介入網路拍賣糾紛,確立網路購物退換貨機制的形成,讓網路拍賣C2C商業模式得以蓬勃成長。西風東漸,阿里巴巴集團2004年成立支付寶、騰訊集團2005年成立財付通,皆是跟隨美國PayPal的腳步,善用電子商務平台的基石,迅速開展第三方支付服務產業的發展。短短十年間,歷經金融海嘯後的中國,因運著特有的經濟環境與情勢,阿里巴巴於2013年6月推出[餘額寶](貨幣市場基金)服務,騰訊集團跟進推出[百賺] (貨幣市場基金)服務,此舉等同宣告中國兩大網通龍頭正式進軍個人財富管理服務市場;不僅止於此,兩大網通龍頭更於2014年3月正式爭取民營銀行執照,志在提供中國網民量身打造的金融服務。此後,中國阿里巴巴是否能走出一條不同於美國PayPal的發展之路,將貫穿本篇論文的研究主軸。


In 1990s, internet service started to release to public domain, and it was rapidly widespread in the whole world. Many e-commerce giants, such as eBay, Amazon or Yahoo, opened online shopping malls, and they thoroughly overwhelmed the retail industry in these twenty years. In America, the online consumers used to provide their personal privacy for identity checking through the online credit card payment processing. However, the more online stores they visited, the more personal information unveiled on the internet. That’s why so many internet frauds popped up in online shopping. These circumstances gave PayPal a chance to provide collection and payment transfer services for online users to prevent credit card frauds in America. In 1999, PayPal started up the third party payment services for e-commerce industry, and provide secured transaction services for C2C online auction buyers. PayPal settles the dispute from buyers to sellers, and builds up the return policy for online shopping. The third party payment industry sustains the growth potential for e-commerce enterprises in 2000s. Compared with PayPal, Alipay was established in 2004 for the development of e-commerce ecosystem of Alibaba Group. Theoretically, Alipay reconstituted the business strategy of PayPal and embedded distinct deployments in terms of the macroeconomics conditions in China. After financial tsunami, many industries in China suffer serious overcapacity problem resulted from 4 trillion economic stimulus program during the period 2009~2010. Many non-performing loans tried to refinance through shadow banking system, and this phenomenon led to the spur in Shibor rate in 2013. Alipay grabbed the chance, and released Yu’E Bao (Money Market Fund) services. Yu’E Bao drove the profit from interbank deposit appraised by Shibor rate. Moreover, Alibaba applies the banking license in 2014, and aims to provide online wealth management for those who are not capable to acquire financial services from conventional bank. All the evidences show that Alipay try to carve out a tailored business strategy different from PayPal, and this master thesis contributes to the analysis on the evolvement of third party payment industry.


3. “2009年全球經濟回顧”,BBC中文網,2009年12月
1. Federal Reserve Economic Data網站,網址:http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/
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3. Dominique Rambure and Alec Nacamuli, “Payment Systems: from the Salt Mines to the Board Room”, Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions, April 2009
