  • 學位論文


The Effect of Brand Breadth and Perceived Newness to the Brand on Teaser Advertising—The Case of 3C Product

指導教授 : 練乃華


近年來帶有神祕色彩的前導廣告手法在台灣市場開始擴及電影以外的產業,其中又以消費性電子產業及民生消費品產業為重,但由於此種廣告形式在廣告歷史中屬於較新穎的手法,在學術研究上的著墨較少,在效果衡量上也無法從銷售量直接看到回饋,因此構成本次研究的動力。   本研究以「品牌寬度(brand breadth)」以及「新產品知覺新穎程度(perceived newness to the brand)」為最主要的核心變數,本研究將前導廣告的效果依時間點分為三部分探討:第一部分探討揭露產品類別與否、廣告主品牌寬度與新產品知覺新穎程度之會如何共同影響到消費者看完第一波前導廣告(teaser ad)後的廣告態度及好奇程度,並驗證資訊缺口的中介位置;第二部分透過揭示廣告(revealer ad)公布謎底,主要探討品牌寬度與產品品類的交互作用如何影響新產品知覺新穎程度此變數,進而影響好奇反應及廣告態度;第三部分將研究推向縱向比較,探討兩個時間點衡量的好奇效果與廣告態度差異是否會受到第一波前導廣告揭露產品類別與否、廣告主品牌寬度與新產品知覺新穎程度之交互作用的影響。   實驗結果有以下幾點發現:(1) 第一波前導廣告揭露品類與否是透過影響「想知道」資訊量負向影響資訊缺口大小;(2) 第一波前導廣告揭露品類與否、品牌寬度、新產品知覺新穎程度之共同影響並無法顯著影響資訊缺口或好奇效果;(3) 窄品牌推出從來沒有推過的產品品類創造出最高的新產品知覺新穎程度,且新產品知覺新穎程度也正向影響最終廣告效果;(4) 縱向比較前後好奇程度與廣告態度的差異,結果並不如預期,代表完整策略的關鍵影響因子尚未在此研究中被辨識出來;(5) 產品品類若有明顯涉入上的差距,會強烈影響到各時間點前導廣告的好奇程度與廣告態度。整體而言,本研究將前導廣告的領域拓及3C產業,在好奇理論和前導廣告領域中都有所貢獻,也提供廠商在實務操作上一些方向。


Teaser advertising has gained its notice in industries such as FMCG and consumer electronic device in Taiwan. This advertising form is relatively new to the history of advertising. Because the purpose and mechanism of teaser advertising is different from traditional advertising, the result of this form of advertising can’t be defined purely from sales number; the academic world also hasn’t put much attention on this topic yet. These factors form the motive of this research.   “Brand breadth” and “perceived newness to the brand” are the two core variables in this research. The research can be divided into three parts. The first part discusses how “timing of revealing product category”, “brand breadth” and “perceived newness to the brand” can affect the curiosity level after seeing the first ad (teaser ad). After viewing the second ad (revealer ad), the second part focus on how the interaction between “brand breadth” and “product category” affects the “perceived newness to the brand” and how this effect will drive the curiosity and advertising attitude. The third part is a longitudinal comparison of curiosity level between teaser ad and revealer ad, and how may this curiosity difference be influenced by “timing of revealing product category”, “brand breadth” and “perceived newness to the brand.”   The results of a 2x2x2 experiment are as follows: (1) Revealing the product category in the teaser ad reduces the level of “want to know”, thus negatively affects the knowledge gap. (2) There is no interaction among “timing of revealing product category”, “brand breadth” and “perceived newness to the brand” on curiosity level and advertising attitude. (3) Narrow brand launching a new product that is beyond its current product mix successfully creates the greatest perceived newness to the brand, and thus leads to favorable final attitude toward product and advertisement. (4) Curiosity difference between teaser and revealer ad is not driven by timing of revealing product category, brand breadth, or perceived newness to the brand. (5) The product category that has higher involvement seems to trigger stronger curiosity in every time spot. Overall, this research expands the field of curiosity theory and teaser advertising into 3C industry and provides pragmatic suggestions for companies that want to use teaser advertising as future communication strategy.


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