  • 學位論文


The optimal amount of capacity reservation with back-up supplier

指導教授 : 許鉅秉


為了追求效率和更低的成本,供應鏈在近年變得越來越精簡、參與其中的成員也不在只是地理上鄰近的廠商,而是來自世界各地。這樣的趨勢的確為廠商帶來了很多好處,但也很可能使得供應鏈變得更加脆弱,使得供應鏈中斷的事件在這幾年更是時不時地被報導出來,也因此誘使了很多學者投入了緊急供應鏈管理的領域研究,然後這部分的相關研究仍然相對較少,也促成了這篇文章的誕生。 本文將研究的重點放在和供應商的合作關係上,供應商是製造商最關鍵的合作伙伴之一但同時也是最大的風險,很多時候供應鏈中斷就是因為供應商的貨源中斷而造成,導致製造商無法正常出貨。因此本文將站在製造商的角度,除了和主要供應商進貨之外也和另外的一間備援供應商簽訂產能保留契約,透過這個具有選擇權概念的契約在供應鏈中斷時去換取和備援供應商用約定好的成本進一定數量貨的權力,目的是要在預期的產能損失量下已規劃求解的方式求出能使製造商預期利潤最大化的保留產能簽訂量。 此外,本篇研究也花了不少的心力試著以圖來描述供應鏈中斷的情況,過去的研究多只解釋了供應鏈受損後廠商的產能如何受損以及如何自然回復,鮮少將供應鏈斷鏈後廠商採取某特定策略地回復情況給圖形化,也鮮少考慮到製造商的產能或許可以回復到超過中斷前的水準,這部分本文都會有所提及。希望能對圖形化供應鏈中斷的這部分做出進一步的貢獻。


With the pursuits of efficiency and low cost, supply chains have been streamlined and entities involved are no longer restricted to the vicinity but from the everywhere on the earth. These trends did bring lots of benefits to firms, but they can also weaken the supply chains in the same time, resulting in news about supply chains disruption these days. Hence, many scholars started to study in supply chain disruption. This article will focus on the relationship between suppliers and manufacturer because suppliers are not only an important partner but also a main source of supply chain disruption. We will try to solve disruption from manufacturer’s point by signing up a capacity reservation contract with a back-up supplier. Aim to find out the optimal usage amount of capacity reservation under the goal of maximize manufacturer’s expected profit. Besides, this study also put much effort on visualizing supply chain disruption, much of existent studies only describe how a supply chain will be on graph after disruption. This study will describe how the graph will be after manufacturer takes plan to recover it and will even discuss the condition when manufacturer recovers their capacity above the original level.


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