  • 學位論文


The Corporate Analysis of Taiwan Convenience Store:A Case of Family Mart

指導教授 : 陳忠仁
共同指導教授 : 郭瑞祥(RUEI-SIANG GUO)


全家便利商店(英文:Family Mart)於 1988 年成立,為台灣第二大便利商 店業者。身為後進者的全家,成立初期積極建置物流、倉儲、門市等基礎設 施,在產品規劃及行銷策略方面則採取追隨策略,雖然成功的帶來營收及規模 的成長,但在 2005 年時卻經歷了成立以來第一次營收衰退。因此,全家開始轉 變策略,推動內部體制改革、加盟主及員工的再教育訓練,並且鼓勵員工勇於 創新及建立創新獎勵制度,經過種種努力,終於在 2013 年成功推出霜淇淋後轟 動市場,並且持續推動創新產品吸引市場,以及推動線上會員制度提升顧客忠 誠度,成功提升品牌形象。本研究從全家便利商店出發,探討全家如何擺脫追 隨者的困境,成為最會玩創新的便利商店。 本研究以個案研究探討全家便利商店,再進一步探討台灣便利商店產業外 部因素,並盤點全家所擁有的核心資源與能力,探討其在產品開發及行銷方面 的創新,以 BCG 矩陣解析全家現階段的事業概況,最後再輔以產業最新的發展 方向挑戰,給予未來經營上的建議。 經過審慎的研究分析後,了解全家憑藉潘進丁先生及葉榮廷先生卓悅的市 場洞察能力,輔以卓越的行銷資源,才能在個階段發展過程中屢屢做出正確的 決策。此外,全家擁有妥善的事業發展策略,使全家能近期在食品類商品頗有 作為,維持明星事業的地位,以及在咖啡和飲料事業體上努力精進,期許有朝 一日能擺脫問題事業的象限。然而,全家未來仍需持續深化經營線上會員,做 出虛實整合的成效,豐富消費者的消費體驗,並且可以思考如何運用對便利商 店產業的專業知識開創自有品牌,擺脫品牌授權的束縛。


Family Mart was founded in 1988 and it was the second biggest company in Taiwan ’s convenience store industry. As a second mover, Family Mart focused on building warehouses and logistic system and expanding stores, so it took the follow- up strategies in terms of product development and marketing. Although this strategy has successfully brought revenue and scale growth, it has experienced the first revenue decline in 2005 since its establishment. Therefore, Family Mart shifted from the rapid expansion strategy to internal system reform. They started to promote the re- education and training of franchisees and employees, guided new business model, encouraged employees to be creative, and established an innovation reward system to make these employees could continue to introduce innovative products and marketing activities. Finally, they successfully introduced the innovative product “Ice Cream” and enhanced the Family Mart’s brand image. Therefore, I wanted to know how Family Mart conquered lots of challenges to be so successful mow. This thesis discusses the Family Mart with the method of case study, Further, according to the external factors of Taiwan ’s convenience store industry and the core resources and capabilities of the Family Mart, discusses the innovation of the Family Mart in product development and marketing. Then using BCG matrix to analyze the Family Mart 's current business situation, and finally supplemented by the industry's latest development and challenges, giving suggestions for the Family Mart 's future direction. After careful research and analysis, I understand the Family Mart could make lots of correct decision in every steps with the excellent market insight of Mr.潘進丁 and Mr.葉榮廷, coupled with powerful marketing resources. Besides, Family Mart has the proper business development strategies, so that they could do very well in food business, maintaining the status of a star business, and work hard in the coffee and beverage business, hoping to get rid of the problematic business in somedays. However, in the future, Family Mart still needs to get deeper understanding of online members, make the O2O integration come true and enrich the consumer experience of consumers. Besides, they can also think about how to use the expertise in the convenience store industry to create their own brands overseas in the future.


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