  • 學位論文


The department store enters and withdraws to variable of discussion the same business influence.

指導教授 : 陳文華


都市商業活動過程中,常會有共生或競爭的情形發生,有本身因素與區位因素。 本研究觀察百貨生態,分析新進入的百貨對舊有百貨的影響,以台中和高雄為主,透過百貨公司自身因素:規模與客層,區位因素:商圈與距離。利用銷售額分析與專家訪談,期望分析出此四個變數影響。且經由專家訪談得知高雄區百貨公司特性與捷運、陸客等時事影響。也得出應納入重要影響因子但筆者尚未納入。筆者在此提出下列幾點說明: 一、變數影響: 筆者發現距離、商圈、規模、捷運都有影響,至於鎖定的客戶群與百貨公司附屬設備則較無影響,由筆者的專家訪談中得知,百貨公司本質,規模、作戰能力、行銷、商品,甚至於內在能力給客人的感覺才是重點,電影院與停車場主要是加分用的,屬於服務類型,所以也不是百貨公司銷售額影響重點。商品品項與活動內容才有較大的影響。筆者的四個變數根據分析與專家訪談,影響力排序如下:商圈大於距離,距離大於規模,規模大於客層。 二、商圈的影響: 根據分析跟專家的訪談,筆者發現。最重要的要素還是商圈,同商圈的百貨進入可能會有正面影響,那是因為百貨的開設促進了商圈的轉移(中友百貨開設對於來來百貨),否則按照數據與專家訪談的結果,同商圈百貨的開設(特別是大型的)幾乎都是負面影響居多。 三、都市百貨業的特性:   都市當地特性會影響百貨公司的營業額,高雄是個腹地很小的地方。也因此高雄的商機很難擴大,且因商業行為偏工業化。消費能力很難提高,因此高雄的百貨較少做區隔化,這些都是都市百貨業的特性。


百貨 產業競爭


In the process of department store, it is common that it creates many symbiosis mechanisms and competitions. The influential factors divide into department store factors and area factors. This study observes department store ecosystem, analysizing the impact of new intrance department store to the old ones. Department store factors include scale of department and target customers, and area factors include circle and the distance between the departments store.This study analysizes these four factors by analysizing the sales and interviewing with the experts, knowing the impacts of current event and the habit of the consumer in Kaohsiung department store.This study also mentions the important factor that impacts, but this paper doesn’t include.In the conclusion, presenting some points following: 1. The important factors The important factors that impact sales of department store include distance, scales, circle and MRT, but the target customers and appurtenances don’t matter. The department store essence is the key; service type is not the key. The influence sorting is as follows: circle influence greater than distance, distance greater thn scale, and scale greater than target audience. 2. Discusses the circle impact According to the analysis and expert's interview, the author discovered that the most important factor is the circle, if there is positive influence, that’s because business circle start to shift. Otherwise, according to the data and the expert interview's result, the impact is nearly negative. 3. Metropolis general merchandise industry characteristic The metropolis local characteristic will affect department store's turnover. For examle, Kaohsiang’s business is very difficult to expand, because the business dealing only industrializes. The power of consumption is very difficult to enhance, also resulting Kaohsiang’s general merchandise hard to separate. These are the situations that metropolis characteristic affect the department store.


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