  • 學位論文


Continuity Adjustment of B-spline Surfaces

指導教授 : 尤春風


隨著工業發展自動化、效率化之追求,電腦輔助設計已於工業界占據重要地位。因應產品之仿製作業需求,於電腦輔助設計中更衍生逆向工程作業項。由產品外形的點資料掃描,經過一連串分割、鋪面、曲面調整等演算,於電腦中重建產品CAD模型,進一步遞送分析及製程規劃。 本研究著力於逆向工程領域中的曲面連續性調整作業。針對鋪面輸出之曲面搭接間隙,進行修正調整,求取曲面與曲面的銜接平順性。研究探討上,以B-spline參數曲面為調整目標,藉由對B-spline曲面基底資訊探討,並引入數值方法,對曲面搭接連續性進行最佳化調整作業,目標於最終輸出符合G1、G2連續性之曲面資料。


With the pursuit of automatic and efficiently industrial development, computer aided design has been played an important role in the industry. In response to the requirements of the work of imitation, reverse engineering is generated. Measuring the shape of products and a series of calculation including segmentation, surface reconstruction and surface adjustment are the steps of the reverse engineering process. Finally, we can reconstruct and analyze the CAD model of products and plan the product’s manufacture procedure. This research focus on continuity adjustment of surfaces in reverse engineering. In order to reach the smoothness of adjacent surfaces, the output of surface reconstruction has been adjusted and modified. This research implements the optimal continuity adjustment of surfaces by using the numerical methods and discussing the basic information of B-spline surfaces which are the main adjust target of the research. The final goal is to export surfaces, that fit G1 and G2 continuity.


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