  • 學位論文


Learning together: Process evaluation of an intergenerational program in an elder care home in southern Taiwan.

指導教授 : 楊培珊


中文摘要 人口老化是全球性的議題,國際組織聯合國及世界衛生組織面臨高齡社會、代間疏離之人口結構,已開始呼籲各國發展非血緣之代間融合關係,以迎接高齡化社會。研究者本身於老人機構服務,有感於國內代間研究對象常以社區老人、年輕世代為主體,機構老人的代間經驗付之闕如。但實際上,老人機構院民常有與學生、社區青年、年輕志工互動的經驗,而這些代間經驗的互動歷程,及其對機構院民的特殊意義為何?以機構的立場,該如何運用代間經驗促成服務?因此本研究的目的為三:1.瞭解代間互動發展的歷程;2.瞭解代間互動過程對院民的意義;3.綜合上述,提出機構運用代間互動過程的原則。 研究者以服務機構中的社工系學生至機構與院民互動為研究場域,觀察代間活動中,院民與實習生的互動經驗。並各訪談7位院民參與代間互動前後的經驗,及8位實習生參與方案後的經驗,以瞭解代間互動院民與實習生相互的經驗,及其對院民的意義。研究發現:(1)代間互動的機會是被創造出來;(2)關係初期,院民互動意願低落;(3)協助院民看見實習生的角色意義,有助於院民主動投入互動關係;(4)設計代間互動展現院民的能力;(5)代間成效產生於代間關係建立後;(6)代間互動有助於誘發院民的關懷性與善意;(7)實習生用更開放的態度看見院民的優勢;(8)代間互動有助於開發老人工作人力;(9)似祖孫的角色界限模糊容易產生角色混淆;(10)代間關係發展緊密容易產生情感過度依賴;(11)互動關係出現倫理兩難。 依據研究結果,本研究分別就老人福利機構及代間方案設計提出幾項建議。針對一、機構:(1)運用代間互動服務,融入新進院民生活適應個案工作;(2)積極發展代間互動中院民所展現的優勢;(3)鼓勵實習學生轉換志工的角色繼續留在機構內發展實習活動方案;(4)提供學生至機構實習機會,以培育老人工作人力資源。二、代間方案設計:(1)關係建立初期,避免過於個別、隱私性的談話;(2)協助院民察覺實習生對其生活中的意義,有助於代間關係的發展;(3) 實習生需要被引導與鼓勵持續投入關係的經營;(4)應以發展長期、熟悉的代間關係為宜,以達代間成效;(5)代間互動初期宜針對雙方角色作明確的釐清;(6) 督導應更彈性化的運用社會工作倫理。


Abstract Aging is becoming a global issue. The WHO and the United Nation has call upon every nation’s attention on developing integration between non-kinship generation due to the aging society and the indifferent intergeneration structure. The researcher serves at senior citizen’s welfare institution, sensing that intergeneration studies in Taiwan has put a great focus on community elderly and the young generation but ignored the institutionalized elderly. The institutionalized residents, however, often have the experience interacting with students, community young adults, and young volunteers.What do these intergenerational interacting experiences mean and what special meaning do they have for the institutionalized residents?How do the institutes serve using the intergeneration experience? The goals for this study therefore are: 1. Understanding the developmental process of intergeneration interaction;2. Understanding the meaning the intergenerational interaction has for the residents; 3.Bring up principles for institutes to apply the intergenerational interaction concluding the above. The researcher studied the interaction between the institutionalized residents and social worker college students, observed the interactive experience between the residents and the students during activities. The researcher also interviewed seven residents on their intergenerational interaction experiences, the eight interns’ participation experiences, in order to understand the intergeneration interaction experiences and their meanings to the residents.The study reveals that: 1)the opportunity for intergeneration interaction could be created; 2)the residents displayed low motivation to interact in the beginning of the relationship; 3)assisting the residents understand the role of the interns helped the residents actively involve in the relationship; 4)the design of intergeneration interaction displayed the ability of the residents; 5)the effect of intergeneration interaction developed after the intergenerational relationship was built; 6)intergeneration interaction helped induce the residents’ consideration and kindness; 7)the interns embraced more openly attitudes on seeing the residents’ strength; 8)intergeneration experience helped develop the elderly work efforts; 9)the ambiguous grandparent and grandchild alike relationship could cause role confusion; 10)close intergeneration interaction relationship could easily develop emotional over-attachment; 11)interactive relationship revealed ethical dilemma. According to the results, the study offers a few suggestions for elderly welfare institutions and intergeneration project designs. For institution: 1)blend new residents’ adaptation manipulating the intergeneration interaction service; 2) actively develop the strength the residents display in intergeneration interaction; 3) encourage interns to stay at the institute after the project; 4)Offer internship for students at the institute in order to cultivate work force human resource for the elderly. For intergeneration project design: 1)Avoid over-personal or private conversation at the beginning of the relationship development; 2)Assisting residents to be aware of the interns’ existence in their lives is helpful for intergeneration relationship development; 3)the interns need to be guided and encouraged to continuously involve in building the relationship; 4)intergeneration relationship should aim for long-term development in order to achieve intergeneration effect; 5)both roles should be clearly clarified at the beginning of the intergeneration interaction; 6)supervision should apply social work ethic more flexibly.


