  • 學位論文


Implement of a Doubly-fed Induction Generator with Maximum Output Power and Minimum Copper Loss

指導教授 : 許源浴


本論文之主要目的在研究風力發電中雙饋式感應發電機之轉子側控制,探討轉子側控制解耦合電流對輸出功率以及損失的影響,並做考慮損失最小化的實驗比較,以及實驗和模擬結果的穩態工作點比較。 主要實驗流程有建立基本實驗架構,並利用伺服馬達回饋訊號進行轉子角度估測,以及控制架構進行定子磁通估測。透過以上資料,即可利用脈波寬度調變技術搭配 PI控制器控制轉子側變流器,以使雙饋式感應風力發電機達到輸出最大功率之能力。 最後承繼模擬結果,在最大功率輸出以及損失最小化的考量下做實驗和模擬結果之比較,以及驗證在考慮銅損最小化的情況下確定達到更好的功率輸出效果。


The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how the rotor current affects the output power and loss of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) for wind energy conversion. The performance of the DFIG with and without copper loss minimization was investigated. In the experiment, feedback signals derived from the servo motor were first employed to calculate rotor angle which was essential for stator flux estimation. Then, the real and reactive power outputs of the DFIG were controlled by a rotor side inverter using a PI controller and the pulse width modulation (PWM) technology. Both experimental results and simulation results for DFIG with maximum power point tracking and copper loss minimization were presented. It was found from the results that less copper loss and more output power could be achieved by the copper loss minimization algorithm.


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