  • 學位論文


A Study of Household or Commercial Heat Pump System with Shallow Geothermal Energy

指導教授 : 陳希立


國立臺灣大學機械工程學系碩士論文 論文題目:住商用熱泵系統搭配淺層溫能應用之研究 指導教授:陳希立 博士 作 者:陳勇男 中華民國一百零五年七月 本研究之研究目的為研究水源熱泵系統搭配淺層溫能的運用情形,淺層溫能擁有於夏季相較於外氣低溫與於冬季相較於外氣高溫的特性,於地下3公尺深即有常年22oC的恆溫特性,對於一熱泵而言,若能將此能源當作夏季的熱儲及冬季的熱源,令熱泵在一節能的工況下運轉,預期能達到不錯的節能目的與製冷製熱效果。 對於如何運用淺層溫能,本研究透過筏基回填水的建築結構與地埋管井水熱交換器二種設計來達到取用淺層溫能的目的。本研究利用此二種結構搭配熱泵規劃了冬夏季共7種的製冷熱水模式,期望以實際試驗的方式來了解地源熱泵的使用潛力,同時於實作中尋找地源熱泵與此二種結構使用上的優勢與劣勢,並與台灣家庭所習慣使用的加熱與製冷系統做成本比較,了解此項技術的市場競爭力。 根據試驗結果,於夏季狀態下使用筏基製熱能擁有高達4.3的COP效能,且於提供18kW的冷凍能力下熱泵製冷模式亦可提供高達4的冷卻COP效能;且於研究中可了解在適合的工況下使用雙效模式更有效能達到節能的目的,並且規劃出於夏季結合淺層溫能製冷製熱模式與雙效模式的控制方式以達到同時兼具節能及舒適性的目標。 在最後根據實驗的經驗總結出此二種淺層溫能結構的優勢與劣勢,並提供一些可以進一步提升效能的建議。 關鍵字: 淺層溫能、地源熱泵、地埋管熱交換器、筏基


A Study of Household or Commercial Heat Pump System with Shallow Geothermal Energy By Yung-Nan Chen Master Degree of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering National Taiwan University July 2016 Adviser:Sih-Li Chen, Ph.D. The purpose of this study is to test a geothermal heat pump system with two apply ways, which includes raft foundation water energy and groundwater energy. For shallow geothermal energy which temperature is lower than outdoor air in summer and higher in the winter. With this property, we want to replace the traditional heating and cooling equipment by geothermal heat pump system. In the application of raft foundation water energy and groundwater energy we via six different mode to combine heat pump system with geothermal energy for heating and cooling purpose. For groundwater energy, we used Multi-U type Borehole Heat Exchangers (MUBHEs), made of PVC material tubes to exchange heat from the evaporator or condenser of heat pump. Through experiment, we want to realize the advantages and disadvantages for this two different ways in using shallow geothermal energy. At the same time, we will compare the efficiency and cost with commonly heating and cooling household equipment in Taiwan. According to the experiment, the heating mode with raft foundation water, a high efficiency in COP 4.3 is present. And the cooling mode with raft foundation water has cooling efficiency in COP 4 with providing refrigerating capacity 18 kW. Besides, the dual mode that heating and cooling simultaneously, can provide high efficiency when operating heat pump system in right situation. In the study of these experiment, we will compare two apply modes of geothermal energy and conclusion experimental analysis, find the way to improve design to reach more high efficiency. Keywords : Shallow Geothermal Energy, Heat pump, Multi-U type Borehole Heat Exchangers, raft foundation water


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