  • 學位論文


Applying Siphonic Type Ebb and Flood System in Plant Factory for Producing Lettuce and Rucola

指導教授 : 方煒


全人工光型植物工廠可精確地控制栽培環境參數,有計畫地全年穩態量產高品質且高營養的蔬菜,但電能消耗占將近 2.5 ~ 3 成的作業成本。在降低電費與電力能耗的考量上常見做法為利用離峰電力、透過人工光源光譜與光量的調整並施以較高濃度二氧化碳來促進植物光合作用的進行進而增加產量或縮短產期,但較少對植物地下部生長環境進行探討及改善。植物工廠內常見的栽培系統包括薄膜養液法 (NFT) 與湛水式栽培系統 (DFT)。 本研究有兩個研究方向,首先探討虹吸式潮汐淹灌系統 (siphonic type ebb and flood system) 應用於三種紅葉、兩種綠葉萵苣 (Lactuca sativa L.) 與歐洲芝麻菜 (Eruca sativa Mill.) 量產之可行性。以 DFT 系統為對照,探討虹吸式淹灌系統的不同淹灌週期對植物生長與二次代謝物累積之影響,並比較兩系統的耗電、用水量等。 由紅葉、綠葉萵苣與芝麻菜在由播種到採收的過程中的總耗電狀況的比較可知,生產相同鮮重的耗電比例約為 3: 1: 2,此比例可作為產品定價的參考。虹吸式潮汐淹灌系統中 5/60 淹灌週期可比 DFT 系統節省 93.8% 泵浦能耗,節省近七成的營養液使用量。紅葉萵苣成長較慢,除非售價較高,在商業上的獲利度比起綠葉萵苣少了許多。但紅葉萵苣中具抗氧化能力的二次代謝物如總酚與花青素等之含量比綠葉萵苣高出許多,此濃度亦受人工光源光質的影響,本研究第二個研究方向即針對光質對萵苣生長與二次代謝物含量之影響進行探討,進而探尋各品系作物不同生長階段的較佳光源與光量。 本研究亦針對各栽培條件下的電力產能 (Power Yield, PY) 與光子產能 (Quantum Yield, QY) 進行計算,由此些量化數據的比較有助於建立地上部最佳的光質組合與搭配的地下部最佳的潮汐淹灌週期與包括其他環境參數的栽培標準作業程序,評估各項栽培條件、環境參數與使用的硬體等的綜合優劣程度,更有利於與前人栽培相同作物的比較、不同批次不同參數設定條件下的比較、不同栽培系統的比較,亦有利於各不同作物間的比較。期望此些成果可提供發展中的植物工廠產業界參考。


Plant factory using artificial light (PFAL) can precisely control aero and root-zone environment of plants, enabling the steady annual production of high quality and nutrient-rich vegetables. However, the electricity cost is nearly 25 to 30% of the operating cost. In all attempts of reducing electricity fee and consumptions, off-peak operation, selective spectra and light intensity with carbon-dioxide enrichment are common practices. Few research has focusing on the adjustment of root-zone environment. Most common culturing systems in PFAL are nutrient film technique (NFT) and deep flow technique (DFT). The purposes of this study has two folds. The first is to investigate on the feasibility of the siphonic type ebb and flood system in producing 3 cultivars of red leaf lettuce, 2 cultivars of green leaf lettuce and rucola. Use DFT system as the check. Compare not only the growth, the secondary metabolites, but also the electricity and water consumptions of two culturing systems. The study on power consumption from sowing to harvesting same fresh weight of red leaf, green leaf lettuce and rucola shown that the ratio is about 3: 1: 2. This ratio can be the guideline on pricing. Siphonic type ebb and flood system at 5/60 interval can saved 93.8% of pumping energy and saved almost 70% on nutrient solution consumption. Red leaf lettuce grows much slowly but with high anti-oxidizing capability, should have higher price. The concentration of secondary metabolites are highly influenced by the spectra of artificial light. The second purpose of this study is to investigate on the effects of the lighting spectra and intensity on the fresh weight accumulation and secondary metabolites concentration and to find the proper light source for particular cultivar of red/green lettuce and rucola. Power yield (PY, in gFW per degree of electric energy consumed) and quantum yield (QY, in gFW per mole of quanta) of all cultivars produced in this study were calculated. These quantitative measures can be very helpful in evaluating the proper light source with proper period-settings of ebb and flood system, evaluating various growth conditions, comparing with other researcher’s outcomes and compare among crops, among various culturing system. Hopefully, all these comparisons can be helpful to the emerging plant factory industry.


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