  • 學位論文


Research on Time Extension and Cost Increasing in Public Constructions─ Case of Historical Site were Discovered in the Course of a Construction Project

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


公共工程的執行過程中,施工承商常遭遇各種無法預期的因素,影響施工進度而使工期產生遲延,本研究針對工地發現文化遺址而導致的工期展延爭議之處理,分析停工之影響、停工之工期計算、賠償金額計算及避免採購法101罰則等進行分析,以期能使施工承商可獲得合理賠償。 施工承商工程履約相關風險中,因工地發現文化遺址而導致工期遲延及工程成本增加,可能面臨難以求償或損害金賠償損之金額難以評估,而在國內相關文獻中,包含有針對工程進度耽延責任之歸屬或工程進度展延賠償爭議進行討論,惟鮮少針對工地發現文化遺址的現象進行討論。因文化遺址是工程發包前無法預見,導致施工承商須承受額外風險;另在過往法院判決案例中,曾有業主因未能依契約提供用地,導致施工承商要求終止契約成功,且業主須賠償施工承商損失之案例,故對於發現文化遺址而導致全面停工,係為施工承商之承包風險,倘能於契約中載明處理方式,則有助於施工承商之風險。 對於「施工中工地發現文化遺址」造成公共工程「全面」或「部分」停工,政府機關態度傾向於文化遺址保存較重要,而業主與施工承商雖認同政府保存文化遺址的態度,惟仍認為須透過量化方式評估文化遺址之影響較為妥適。另全面停工對公共工程影響鉅大,故受訪者認為發現文化遺址時,應盡量採取部分停工之作法,而部分停工之對策彈性較大,亦可透過不同策略降低其影響性。 針對工期展延對成本增加之費用賠償方式,實支法與比例法為實務上最多採用方式,而本研究受訪之專家皆認為成本賠償以實支法最合理,主要理由在於比例法與實務落差過大,且實支法較能反映成施工承商實際支出與利潤損失情形,另對於部分停工亦適用實支法,故本研究亦建議以實支法進行賠償,惟施工承商應對工程相關支出有良好管理制度,俾利減少相關費用認定之爭議。另本研究認為,當工地發現文化遺址後,施工承商應了解採購法101條罰則之時效,並採取避免受101條罰則處分之相關措施。 本研究之論點偏重於施工承商之面向,並就發現文化遺址導致部份停工及工程展延,進一步探討賠償爭取之因應作法,因此建議後續研究可以另由業主或主管機關之面向進行探討,或進一步整合三方間之互動協調及處理問題,以建立更完整符合三方的問題爭議解決方案。


The execution of public projects often encounters various unpredictable factors. This study conducted a series of analysis, which including the project after the discovery of cultural sites and the duration of the controversial processing, the impact of shutdown, the schedule calculation, the amount of compensation and how to avoid the 101 penalty to be analyzed. Due to the discovery of cultural sites and lead to delays in the construction period and the cost of the project increases, the contractor will be difficult to compensate for the loss caused by this critical issue. In the past, the literature has not yet been explored for public projects to discover cultural sites that lead to contractor losses and compensation. In the case of court decision, the owners did not provide land on time to cause the contractor to terminate the contract, and the owner had to compensate the damage to the construction vendor. Therefore, the area where historical sites are found to cease construction is the risk of owners and contractors. If the contract has been specified in advance, it will help to reduce the risk of both parties. Regarding the cultural sites occur in job site caused public projects "comprehensive" or "partial" shutdown, the attitude of government officials tends to preserve the cultural relics is a top priority.Although the owners and contractors agree that the government retains the attitude of cultural sites, it still needs to analyze and quantify the impact of cultural sites.In addition, the comprehensive shutdown has a great impact on public projects, so most of the respondents believe that the discovery of cultural sites, it should try to take partial shutdown strategy due towhich is more flexible. Real support method is more likely to reflect cost increases and profit losses than proportional method. Therefore, the study proposed to use real support method to compensate.However, the contractor should have a management system for the project-related expenses, which will help to reduce the dispute. This study recommends that, once the site finds a cultural site, the contractor should be aware of the limitation of the penaltyof the Procurement Low and take measures to avoid penalties imposed by 101 penalties. The discussion of this paper based on the contractor’s position to analyzed the compensation for the partial shutdown of cultural sites on job site. We recommend that prospective researchers be able to explore the view point of the owner or the government authority,even to establish a complete tripartite dispute solution among three parties.


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