  • 學位論文


A Study of Literature and Culture of Ancient-style Prose Anthologies in the Late Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 謝佩芬


本文利用傳統版本目錄學、西方書籍史的研究方法,在「近世轉型」的視角下,以中國晚宋時期(1208-1279)古文選本為研究對象,針對古文選本的文獻及文化進行了綜合性的研究。 本文分作上、下二編。上編為「綜論編」,針對晚宋時期古文選本的興起緣由、生成機制、閱讀活動、知識轉向進行了綜合研究。 第一,論證古文選本中附加的批語與點抹符號是源自當時科舉考官評閱試卷的形式,同時指出正是在晚宋「科舉社會」與商業出版的歷史語境下,古文選本得以更廣泛地流通與閱讀。第二,論證晚宋古文選本的編者出現了身分下移的新動向,這使得選本呈現出功利化的編輯心態,以及通俗化、平民化的編輯立場。同時指出因應激烈的出版競爭,商業書坊針對古文選本的物質形態與文本內容進行了改動,體現出功利化的取向。第三,晚宋古文選本最主要的閱讀社群是中下層士人。本文利用書籍形式重構了他們的一種閱讀技巧——利用注解、評語、點抹符號等,得以迅速與精準地理解文章的內容與精彩之處。這種功利化的閱讀方法在晚宋士人世界中產生了重要的影響,形成了「讀書偷惰」、「學風惡化」的社會風尚。第四,利用晚宋古文選本,考察了時人關於古文概念、編輯體例、文體分類、經典形塑、文章解說等的認識,進而指出晚宋古文之學趨於實用性、功利化的發展動向。 下編為「個案編」,利用傳統版本學的研究方法,針對《文章正印》、《回瀾文鑑》兩部稀見晚宋古文選本進行了個案研究。 臺北故宮博物院藏《文章正印》為海內外孤本,屬於「彙編式評點選本」,選文偏好宋人文章,尤其是選入大量南宋理學家的文章;在彙編前人評注時,尤為看重樓昉與呂祖謙的評點。本文考證該書與《古文集成》存在文獻因襲關係,後者是該書的重編本。該書保存了《全宋文》失收的宋人佚文共計十四家三十五篇,以及散佚選本《古文標準》的部分內容,具有重要的文獻價值。同時該書作為南宋文章學著述的一種,展示了晚宋時期理學文化向文章選本與古文之學滲透的情勢,對南宋文章學研究具有重要的意義。 《回瀾文鑑》現存三個版本,本文針對南京圖書館藏本及寧波天一閣博物館藏本進行了版本調查,考述版式特徵、序跋鈐印、遞藏源流等內容。該書以作者為目進行編次,書內附雙行小字注解,行間附小字旁批,文末附總評,選文傾向於選錄南宋同時代的作家與作品,而對北宋、唐代及唐以前的作品則相對缺乏編選的興趣。評點特色體現為標揭立意議論,尤重識見與新奇;注重揭示篇章結構與行文方法;重視造語設辭與譬喻修辭。該書保存了稀見宋人傳記信息與宋人佚文,具有重要的文獻價值。同時作為南宋古文評點選本發展序列中的一個關鍵個案,該書的編輯體例、選文評點的好尚,以及評點術語的使用,在古文評點與文章學的發展脈絡中有著重要意義。 綜論之,圍繞晚宋古文選本的諸多方面,都體現出強烈的功利化的傾向。這種功利化的傾向,反映出晚宋以降,圍繞古文寫作的知識,漸次褪去義理的束縛,走向精密化、可操作性。正因如此,「古文之學」得以成為「一家工夫」,以一門獨立學問的姿態屹立於中國的文學格局之中。這是晚宋古文選本之於中國文章學,乃至於中國文學發展脈絡中的重要意義。


This paper is a comprehensive study of the literature and culture of ancient-style prose anthologies in China during the Late Song Dynasty (1208-1279), adopting the methods of Chinese traditional bibliology and Western book history. The paper is divided into two parts. The upper part is an integrated study of the anthologies of ancient-style prose in the Late Song Dynasty, examining the reasons for their emergence, the generative mechanism, the reading activities of them, as well as the intellectual transformation reflected by them. Specifically, the paper argues that the additional criticism and dotted symbols attached to ancient-style prose anthologies originated from then form of imperial examiners’ marking on the examination papers, and points out that it was in the historical context of “imperial examination society” and commercial publishing in the Late Song Dynasty that ancient-style prose anthologies were circulated and read more widely. Second, the paper maintains that there was a new trend of downward shift of the status of editors of Late-Song anthologies, which led to a utilitarian editorial intention and a popularized editorial stance. This paper notes that in response to fierce publishing competition, commercial bookstores have made changes in the material form and textual contents of ancient-style prose anthologies, reflecting a utilitarian orientation. Third, this paper believes that the most important reading community of the Late-Song anthologies was the lower-class intellectuals. This paper uses the book forms to reconstruct one of their reading strategies—utilizing notes, comments, and dotted symbols to understand the contents and highlights of the texts quickly and precisely. This utilitarian reading strategy had an important effect on the intellectuals in the Late Song Dynasty, namely creating a social trend of lazy reading. Fourth, this paper examines the Late-Song-Dynasty knowledge about the concept of “Guwen”(古文), the editing style, the classification of prose genres and texts, as well as the interpretation of texts; thereby underscoring the trend of practicality and utilitarianism in the ancient-style prose learning in the Late Song Dynasty. The lower part is case studies on two rare anthologies of ancient-style prose of the Late Song Dynasty, Wenzhang Zhengyin(文章正印) and Huilan Wenjian(回瀾文鑑), which is based on Chinese traditional bibliology. Wenzhang Zhengyin is a “collection-style commentary anthology” that collected the proses and commentaries of previous writers. This paper discovers that it preserved thirty-five lost essays, as well as the certain parts of the Southern Song commentary Standard of Ancient-style Prose(古文標準). This paper points out that this book demonstrated the situation of the Late Song Dynasty in which the Neo-Confucianism infiltrated into the anthology of ancient-style prose, which would be of great significance to the study of Southern Song prose theory. Huilan Wenjian is arranged in order of authors, with small-print marginalia, and general comments at the end of the text. This paper points out that the selection of texts tended to include writers and works of the Southern Song Dynasty; yet the works before the Northern Song Dynasty were not collected due to the lack of interest. This paper found that the commentary was characterized by revealing the arguments (especially the insights and novelty), revealing the structure of the chapters and the methods of writing, as well as emphasizing the rhetoric’s and metaphor. In summary, many aspects of the Late-Song anthologies of ancient-style prose reflected a strong tendency toward utilitarianism. This implied that since the Late Song Dynasty, the knowledge of ancient-style prose writing had gradually become sophisticated and operational. Because of this, ancient-style prose learning was able to stand as an independent study in the Chinese literary scholarship. Also, the ancient-style prose anthology in Late Song is of significance to Chinese prose theory and even the development of Chinese literature.


