  • 學位論文


Story-Formed Ads and Time of Brand Disclosure:The Moderation Effect of Product Type and Brand Familiarity

指導教授 : 練乃華


秉持著人天生喜歡聽故事的本性,近年來故事在廣告上的應用如雨後春筍。 本研究致力於瞭解故事型廣告的效果,探討並比較故事型廣告在產品涉入程度、品牌熟悉度及研究品牌於廣告中出現時機等變數皆不同的各種情境下,廣告效果是否會有所差異。另外,並驗證在影片形式的廣告下,運輸效果在故事型廣告中所扮演之中介角色。 本研究採用受試者間實驗設計法,統計採多變量共變異分析、多元迴歸分析、Sobel 檢驗、交叉表分析檢驗假說。有效樣本共455 份,研究結果大致符合預期。 研究發現如下: 一、當消費者面對故事型廣告時,相較非故事型廣告,會對廣告產生較正面的態度和引發較多情緒,在對產品的態度、產品購買意願及對搜尋產品相關資訊的意願則沒有差異。 二、在面對熟悉品牌的廣告時,無論品牌出現在廣告的開頭或結尾,在廣告效果上並沒有顯著差別。而在面對不熟悉品牌之廣告時,雖然品牌置於廣告後較置於前效果佳,但在同樣置於廣告後之下,故事型廣告與非故事型廣告效果沒有太大的差別。 三、當產品涉入程度較高,故事型廣告相較於非故事型廣告,可獲得較佳的廣告態度及引發較多正面情感;當產品涉入程度較低,非故事型廣告相較於故事型廣告,可獲得較佳的產品態度。在購買意願及資訊搜尋意願上,兩者皆沒有顯著差異。


Based on the natural like of story, there're so many applications of story in advertising recently. The present study investigates the advertising effect of story-formed ads, explores and compares the ad effect in different situations of product involvement, brand familiarity and timing of brand disclosure in ad. Moreover, the study verifies mediation effect of transportation in video-formed story-formed ad. The between-subject experiment was held in this study. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), multiple regressions, Sobel test and cross table were also applied to test the hypotheses. Four hundred and fifty-five participants attend to samples. The results are as follows: 1. When facing story-formed ads, consumer will generate more positive attitude toward ad and more emotions than non-story ads. There’s no significant difference in attitude toward product, intention in purchasing and information-searching. 2. In familiar brand, there’s no difference in ad effect no matter when brand is disclosed. In unfamiliar brand, there’s better ad effect when brand is placed on the end than beginning of ad. However, though brand is placed in the end, there’s no difference in ad effect between story and non-story ads. 3. In high product involvement, there’s better attitude to ad and more feelings in story ads than non-story ads. In low product involvement, there’s better attitude to product. There’s no difference in intention in purchasing and information-searching.


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