  • 學位論文


The Influence of Personnel System Inner Democratization to the Prosecutorial Independence

指導教授 : 蔡季廷


身在檢察體系至今已近20年,對於當前我國檢察環境的困境感覺憂心程度愈見加重,尤其外界對於檢察體系總是有揮之不去的「政治打手」的成見,更讓基層檢察官的努力總蒙上一層司法信用隨時歸零的陰霾。 考其原因來看,是因為我國對於司法環境的改革,一直著重在審判體系環境的改良及資源灌注,而對於檢察獨立一詞不僅陌生,更認為與司法獨立並無相關,導致整個檢察體系的改革更加困難。 檢察權的主動、積極的特性,常為執政者認為是可收可放的鬥爭工具,若要健全檢察獨立的環境及條件,代表執政者要讓出主觀上認為好用的鬥爭工具,其受到的阻礙一定相形更多,此一惡性循環之下,讓檢察獨立健全之路也難走許多。 而檢察獨立所涉及的範圍很廣,但會讓外界認為是政治打手的主因,乃在於檢察首長指令權的不當行使及法務部長就人事權的最後圈選權相互作用所導致。就指令權有不當行使之虞,早年已為重視而發起指令權陽光化的運動,其後,在法官法第92及93條中予以實現。 然而,指令權陽光化後,檢察獨立的環境並未如當初預測的透明,於是再深入研究其原因,與法務部長人事權的最終圈選之人事陞遷制度設計有關。因此,基層檢察官開始爭取人事權的內部民主化,希望藉由人事權的分享及民主化的公開透明,讓人事制度不再只是黑箱作業。 自2017年司法改革國事會議第三組討論後,通過檢察官人事陞遷要加入內部民主化而讓基層檢察官參與之決議,每年調動前的票選主任檢察官提名人選,成為各地方檢察署的盛事,距今已實施有三年之久,對於檢察獨立的影響為何,未有相關研究出現,而此一影響預計將成為之後改革的重要參考,故本文以深度訪談之方式,就票推薦主任檢察官提名人民之人事制度內部民主化之後,對於檢察獨立的影響為何作一初步之研究。


I have been in the prosecutorial system for nearly 20 years. I feel more and more concerned about the current dilemma of the prosecutorial environment in our country. In particular, there is always a lingering prejudice of “terrible organization” about ther prosecutorial system. The main reason for the prejudice is due to the interaction of the improper exercise between the chief prosecutor’s command power and the Minister of justice’s personnel power. Regarding the possibility of improper exercise of the chief prosecutor’s command power , a movement to make the command power transparent was initiated in the early years . Later, it was implemented in Articles 92 and 93 of the Judge Law. However, after the chief prosecutor’s command power became more transparent, the prosecutorial independence was not improved as originally predicted. Therefore, we further studied the reasons, which is related to the design of the personnel power of the Minister of Justice. Thus, prosecutors have begun to strive for the internal democratization of personnel system in order to share the personnel power. They hope the personnel power will not arbitrary no longer by the Minister of justice. Since the resolution of the Judicial Reform in 2017- the personnel promotion system of prosecutors to participate in internal democratization- is implemented , It has been three years. This impact is expected to be an important reference for the subsequent reforms. Therefore,by the in-depth interviews in the article to study the influence to the prosecutorial independence after the internal democratization of the personnel system.


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