  • 學位論文


The object loss in Haruki Murakami’s Literature–The example of Men Without Women–

指導教授 : 范淑文


失去重要的人、事、物之體驗,在精神分析學稱之為「對象喪失(object loss)」。對象喪失是我們任何人都有可能經歷的體驗,但在沒發生太嚴重的情況之下,這些對象喪失往往都被大事化小,而鮮少受到大眾的關注。然而,因2011年3月11日東日本大地震所造成大量的災害與死傷,相對地也讓對象喪失的存在與問題迅速地浮上檯面。在那當中有無數的人歷經了生、離、死、別——對象喪失,飽受失去重要人、事、物的傷痛、創傷之苦。   東日本大地震之後,藉由村上春樹在加泰隆尼亞國際頒獎典禮上的演講,我們可以知道,曾關注1995年阪神淡路大地震的村上春樹對東日本大地震的關注,及其在演講中所提到「重建被受損的倫理與規範」是需要大家的同心協力,與身為作家的村上春樹對於創作出「鼓舞人心、富有韻律的故事」之意欲。   為此,本論文從震災的角度,著眼於村上春樹在東日本大地震後所創作的短篇集《沒有女人的男人們》。各章首先聚焦於各個短篇作品中男人們所歷經的對象喪失、創傷與登場人物們的關係。再透過以上分析,來探討村上春樹於加泰隆尼亞國際頒獎典禮演講上所提及「重建被受損的倫理與規範」與作品的關聯性。


The purpose of this study is to explore how Haruki Murakami reflected his idea “restore our damaged ethics and values”, that he mentioned in his speech, in his stories, and the representation of object loss in Haruki Murakami’s work, “Drive My Car”, “An Independent Organ”and “Men Without Women” that is in short stories Men Without Women(2014). The experience of losing important persons and things is called object loss in psychoanalysis. Object loss is an experience that any of us can experience. But in the absence of serious circumstances, these issues of object loss is often ignored by the public. However, a large number of disasters and casualties caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, relatively caused the existence and problems of object loss to come to the fore rapidly. Countless people have gone through life and death—object loss, suffer from the pain and trauma of losing important people and things. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, through Haruki Murakami’s speech at the Premi Internacional Catalunya Award Ceremony, we can know that Haruki Murakami had been concerned about the Great Hanshin earthquake of 1995, also concerned for the Great East Japan Earthquake; furthermore his idea of “restore our damaged ethics and values” requires everyone’s concerted efforts. From his speech, we also understand that Haruki Murakami, as a professional writer, wanted to create and build vibrant stories full of “a rhythm that can encourage people”. The first chapter to the third chapter in this study examines men’s object loss, trauma and the relationship between characters within these three works. Based on the above analysis results, we can better comprehend the relevance between Haruki Murakami’s idea “restore our damaged ethics and values” and stories, including the representation of object loss in Haruki Murakami’s work.


