  • 學位論文


Research on the Legal System of Japanese Communications Surveillance –Also on Communication Security and Surveillance Act in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳新民


日本近年以暴力集團為首之毒品與槍械違法交易、虛設行號從事詐財、奧姆真理教施放毒氣恐怖攻擊事件等犯罪狀況頻仍,突顯「組織犯罪」逐日遽增致社會治安惡化,為預防該等組織化、國際化犯罪與恐怖攻擊事件肇生,乃就暴力集團非法交易等重大犯罪,以及可能衍生的恐怖攻擊事件等相關通訊進行監聽,日本犯罪搜查之通信監聽法,全稱「犯罪捜査のための通信傍受に関する法律」,略稱「通信傍受法」,亦稱「盜聽法」、「監聽法」等,該法於1999年8月18日公布,2000年8月15日施行,其中第1條規定「本法係為有鑑於組織性的犯罪行為會明顯危害平安而健全之社會生活,尤指少數共謀有組織地實行殺人、毒品及販賣槍械等不當交易的重大犯罪行為中,犯人間利用電話相互聯絡等內容,非經由監聽方式將不易解析案伔真相的狀況逐漸增加,為因應此等情況並予以適當處理,依據刑事訴訟法之必要規定(1948年法律第130號),可特別強制實施電信通訊監聽處分,在無不當侵害通訊秘密情況下破解刑案真相,並規定有關處理程序、手續和其他必要事項,為訂定本法之目的」,顯示政府企藉透過該法制定,使搜查機構尌組織犯罪進行監聽於法有據,進而協助打擊組織與跨國犯罪,以維持社會秩序,確保國家安全。 本論文以日本「通信傍受法」為中心,先探討日本通訊監察法制立法沿革,包括明治憲法時代、二次世界大戰前後及近代通訊監察實況與日本憲法下通訊自由保障及限制。接續介紹日本現行通訊監察法制立法過程運作現況爭議及案例。此外將探討國際情勢,如反恐議題、史諾登與稜鏡案等對通訊監察法制之影響與日本通訊監察法制修法方向,復因我國近期通訊監察法制修定頻仍,故兼論我國通訊監察法制架構、重要案例分析,並比較臺日通訊監察法制現況。最後提出研究發現以及情報通訊監察草案提出建議事項。


In recent years, organized crimes of the drug dealing, illegal arms trading, fraud by establihing fake companies, Aum Shinrikyo terrorist attack, etc, which increasingly happened, making Japanese government take steps to keep surveillance on the communication of the violent groups illegal dealing and the terror attact may be related, to prevent the organized and transnational crimes and terror attacks happen. Therefore, Japanese government drew up “Act on Wiretapping for Criminal Investigation”, also named “Wiretapping Law”, which made public on Aug. 18, 1999, and put into effect on Aug. 15, 2000. According to the article 1 of the Japanese Wirtapping Law, considering the organized crimes did great harm to the safe and stable social life, and the crime synditate in these criminal types, such as drug dealing and weapons trading, usually use phones to communicate. In these situations, it will be very difficult to realize the truth of these cases if not thru the survellince meathod on communications. Thus, according to the “Criminal Procedure”(Act. No.130, 1948), which allowed to enforce the Prosecutors' Order like surveillance on telecommunications, the Law regulates about the procedure, method and so on to make sure the surveillance not to violate the communication privacy and give aid to solve criminal problems. All actions reveal the Japanese government has not nly tried to strengthen and legalize their surveillance procedure, but tried to make effort in striking the organized and transnational crimes, for mentaining the social orders and national security. In this paper, cored the Japanese Wirtapping Law, firstly introduced the Japanese communications surveillance legal legislative history, including the Meiji era Constitution, before and after World War II and the situation of surveillance and communications privacy which are restricted and guaranteed under the Constitution of Japan. Secondly, this paper describes the operation of the legislative process to monitor III the status of the legal dispute and the case in Japan. Thirdly, the international situation, such as anti-terrorism issues, Snowden and Prism case which impacted the legal system in Japan and forced them to amend the law. Due to our Communication Security and Surveillance Act has been amended several times recently, this paper also made researches on the structureof our Act, the important cases analysis and the comparison between Taiwan and Japan. Finally, the research findings and the recommendations of regulatind and amending Intelligence Surveillance Law would be showed as a result of this paper.


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2. 王以國,〈數位證據之刑事證據能刂相關爭議研究〉,《科技法律透析》,2008年11月。
7. 王士帆、李瑞敏,〈監聽陷阱案之相關法律問題(下)-從我國最高法院九三年度台上自二九四九號判決談貣〉,《台灣本土法學雜誌》,第71期,2005年6月。


