  • 學位論文


The study of an integrated effectiveness evaluation method for a semiconductor AMHS including shortcuts

指導教授 : 謝淑華


在現今300mm晶圓廠中,自動化物料搬運系統扮演著極重要的角色。Peters等人[Yang & Peters,1997;Peters & Yang,1997]曾針對脊柱式晶圓廠之自動化物料搬運系統進行研究,文獻中提出,於各加工區間設置轉盤與捷徑裝置,可改善晶圓物流問題,提高整體效率,其研究亦指出加裝捷徑裝置可縮短物料搬運距離,進而使得系統成本降低,但對系統整體效益而言,縮短物料搬運距離所造成實質上降低的成本並非可由簡單的數學公式算出。 本研究即是針對此目的,提出一套合理的整體效益評估方法,以供作系統加裝捷徑裝置與否的績效準則。本研究先藉由Little’s Law量化加裝捷徑裝置後之產能增加與在製品數減少量,再根據侯氏[2001]所提出之限制理論在製品獲利估算法,計算出線上在製品之囤積成本與產能獲利值,完成系統效益資金化。最後藉由eM-Plant軟體建構模擬平台,利用實驗設計變更捷徑裝置之數量與位置,及不同產品類別、不同投料率等變數,探討加裝捷徑裝置後所造成的系統效益變化現象。透過本研究所提出之效益評估方法,將有助於決定晶圓廠是否適合投資裝設捷徑裝置,及解決何種為最佳廠房規劃或投資成本之回收年限等問題。


The automated material handling system (AMHS) is an important role in a 300mm semiconductor wafer manufacturing system. Peters & Yang[Yang & Peters,1997;Peters & Yang,1997]pointed that an AMHS with turntables and/or shortcuts appropriately can reduce the heavy traffic flow problem, and improve the AMHS performance much in a semiconductor plant. They devoted themselves to study the benefit for adding the shortcuts in a spine configuration of semiconductor fabrication. They addressed that the material handling costs should be reduced, due to the decrease of total transportation distance, as the number of shortcuts increases. However, the adding turntables and/or shortcuts to an AMHS cannot produce any products. Can one quantitatively estimate the benefit of the installation of turntables and/or shortcuts, or tell how soon the installation cost be paid back? The main purpose of this study intends to answer the investor how much profit one can obtain, or how soon one can recover the cost if one adds turntables and/or shortcuts to an AMHS. This study has three phases. In phase one, based on Little’s law, we develop a method to quantitatively count how many pieces of product to be extra produced, or how many pieces of WIP to be reduced in the production line, because of adding shortcuts. In phase II, based on Hou [2001], a TOC profit and TOC inventory cost estimation methods are derived. The extra profit or the saving cost can be calculated. And the cost recover time can thus be estimated. In phase Ⅲ, for the purpose of demonstration, we adopt eM-Plant, a simulation tool, to simulate an AMHS with/without shortcuts in a 300mm fabrication plant. The methods developed in phases one and two are used. And the benefit of the installation of shortcuts is thus estimated quantitatively.


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