  • 學位論文


Research on Continuous Project Performance Measurement for Construction Phase of Medium Capacity Rapid Transit System

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


營造產業一向以專案的型式進行,以期有最佳的執行效率,近年來國內營造產業界專案管理的知識持續進步,並應用於施工專案中,因此對施工專案執行效率方面的掌握程度逐漸提高,然而,國內營造廠決策層過去習於僅僅以專案營收成果作為專案成功與否的判別依據,較少關切專案的即時執行績效。近來工程專案的趨勢是:工程的複雜度遽增、公共工程專案規模愈來愈大、專案期間愈來愈長、統包型式的施工專案益加普遍,專案執行階段績效評估的重要性亦應予以重視,尤其當國內營造廠資本規模擴大,雄心勃勃地跨足海外營造市場時,同步管理多個、多地區施工專案時,組織內有限資源的適切調配投入顯得更加關鍵,由此,營造廠決策階層需要一個客觀、適用於其企業組織且能及時反應施工專案績效的指標進行管理,以期能對執行中的施工專案及時、適時掌控,在異常發生前及早應對和準備;也能在遭遇非預期況當下及時支援。 本研究針對施工專案績效為標的,蒐集國內外施工專案績效指標包括美國營建研究院(Construction Industry Institute,CII)發展的專案評估指標,CAPP(Continuous Assessment on Project Performance);社團法人國際專案管理學會(Project Management Institute,PMI)專案管理知識體指南PMBOK® Guide專案管理指標;實獲值管理(Earned value project/performance management,EVPM)指標;行政院公共工程委員會發展之公共工程標案管理系統之專案管理指標,共計209個指標為基礎,經問卷調查分析,歸納出3個適用於施工專案的重要績效指標類群,供國內營造廠商參考,並套用關鍵指標於中運量捷運工程施工專案實例,驗證績效指標的適用性,最後綜整歸納出執行中運量捷運工程專案時,業主、監造及施工三方面所應重視的要項,期望能對國內未來的中運量捷運建設有所貢獻。文中也對於指標應用範圍和後續研究建議,提出說明。


Construction industry usually conduct construction in project configuration. In these years, Taiwan construction industry has been cumulating project management knowledge and applies it on construction projects as an usual practice. Construction professionals become more capable to successfully handle and than complete construction projects with cumulating experience and project management knowledge. However, execution officers of construction enterprise are used to evaluate the success of project by merely taking a look at revenue report without concerning much about the real time performance assessment. As an unavoidable trend of construction projects, they become more complicated, larger contract amount, longer project period and more turnkey orientation. Thus, it shall put more attention on real time performance indicators of construction project not only due to the considerable cash flow involved, but also it’s the time for Taiwan construction companies to ambitiously outspread to overseas construction projects, as a result, multiple projects are conducted simultaneously yet separately in different regions on different time line. It becomes more essential to accurately arrange limited resource supporting multiple construction projects timely and appropriately. Execution officers of construction industry therefore need a set of few project performance indicator which is objective and tailored to own enterprise to monitor projects continuously during execution and provide timely support at the initiation of abnormal circumstances. This research purposes to conclude and select 3 groups of real-time performance indicator for ease of construction project management to continuously monitor project performance out of 209 performance indicators composed of CAPP (Continuous Assessment on Project Performance) by CII, project management indicators by PMI (Project Management Institute), EVM (Earned value project/performance management) and project management indicators of Public Construction Management System by Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan. This research further verify the practicability of the proposed project performance indicators by applying these indicators to as built construction projects of medium capacity rapid transit system. Results show the practicability of the critical project performance proposed. It also concludes a comprehensive critical list for successful construction project in aspects of client, inspection and construction. Practical application of the conclusion to facilitate construction project of future medium capacity rapid transit system is the goal of this research. Practical application of these result aling with limitations and further research are described.


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