  • 學位論文

傳統玩具禮品產業外銷美國市場的發展與策略之研究 —以A公司為例

A study on the market development and strategy in U.S. toy and gift industry—viewpoints from Company A

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


在大環境世界景气持續低迷,中國境內的傳統產業經營普遍陷入經營危机,企業該如何走出困境? 本研究以A公司為例,探討位於玩具禮品傳統產業的A公司行銷美國的經營過程中的市場發展及策略擬定。 對A公司進行五力分析、SWOT分析及發展策略分析。探討A公司逐年成長所累積的各項內外部資源,資源配置的得失研究。 研究結果得到以下五個結論: 一、玩具禮品市場發展与擴充:A公司可持續擴大產品線,並利用超額產能逐漸進入亞太市場如大陸。 二、競爭策略:除了價格戰外,A公司必須強化創新的速度、策略執行的速度及顧客回應的速度。 三、通路及供應鏈策略:除了供應鏈管理外,A公司在新增加產品線的同時持續投資電子商務,以提高服務客戶之效能及公司產能內之營運效率。 四、公司內部管理能力:由於A公司規模逐漸擴大,在價格管理、庫存管理、客戶關係管理、資訊管理及信用風險管理管理能力亟需提升。 五、A公司在永續經營的目標上,尋求成長的第二曲線上有所突破,利用既有的優勢超越禮品行業的可能。


This research focuses on company A’s market and business strategy development on U.S. toy and gift industry. I also do Five Forces Analysis, SWOT Analysis and development strategy analysis. There are Five conclusions as follows: 1、Toy and gift industry market development: Company A can expand their product line and utilize their excess capacity to enter into Asia market such as China. 2、Competitive strategy: In addition to price war, company A should improve the speed of innovation, strategy implementation and customer response. 3、Channel and supply chain strategy: Company A can invest more resources in e-commerce when expanding new product line. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of customer service and efficiency of operation. 4、Managerial ability: Due to the business expansion of company A, management ability on price, inventory, customer relationship, information technology and risk should be improved. 5、Company A should search for “second curve” to achieve the goal of expanding their business beyond the line of toy and gift industry to gain competitive advantage.


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